Armée Iranienne

Mauritanie, Égypte, RASD, Turquie, Libye, Maroc, Iran, Jordanie , Arabie Saoudite , Irak ...
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

l'Iran va déployer des sous-marins en Mer Caspienne

Azerbaijan, Baku, June 27/Trend M. Moezzi

With three super-heavy submarines operating in the Persian Gulf, Iran is seeking to use lighter submarines in the Caspian Sea.

Admiral Abbas Zamini told Fars news agency that Iran's navy has made huge gains and become self-sufficient in designing, building and repairing its own submarines.

Iran is producing semi-heavy submarines with the goal of building super-heavy ones in the future.

The projects are part of an overall strategy to expand Iran's naval fleet and presence in international waters. Currently, battle groups are getting ready to set sail for the north Indian Ocean, the Red Sea, the Suez Canal, the Mediterranean and the Gulf of Aden.

An exercise outside Iran's border kept a super-heavy submarine under water for 67 days in the Red Sea.
In February, Iran's navy sent ships through the Suez Canal for the second time since Iran's revolution.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

l'Iran va equiper ses navires dans le Golfe Persique de missiles de courte portée

[video] ... r_embedded[/video]
apres les avior testé sur des platformes terrestres
(Reuters) - Iran expects to equip its ships in the Strait of Hormuz soon with shorter-range missiles, a Revolutionary Guards commander was quoted as saying, in the latest apparent warning to the West not to attack it over its disputed nuclear program.

The Islamic Republic has threatened to shut the Strait, the conduit out of the Gulf for 40 percent of the world's seaborne oil trade, if Western sanctions aimed at curbing its nuclear works block its own crude exports.

The European Union plans to impose a total embargo on Iranian oil from Sunday and has told Tehran that more punitive steps could follow if it keeps defying U.N. demands for limits nuclear activity that could be of use in developing bombs.

"We have already equipped our vessels with missiles with a range of 220 km (136 miles) and we hope to introduce missiles with a range of over 300 km (186 miles) soon," Ali Fadavi said, the semi-official Mehr news agency reported on Friday.

"We could target from our shores all areas in the Persian Gulf region, the Strait of Hormuz and the Sea of Oman."

Iran is about 225 km (140 miles) at its nearest point from Bahrain, where the U.S. Fifth Fleet is based, and about 1,000 km (625 miles) from its arch-enemy Israel. Tehran's longest-range missile, the Sajjil-2, can fly up to 2,400 km (1,500 miles).

Iran's military and security establishment often asserts its strength in the region, particularly in the Strait of Hormuz, the world's most important oil transit channel carrying supplies from Gulf producers to the West.

But it has increasingly flexed its military muscle in the face of U.S. and Israeli warnings that last-resort military action against Iran cannot be ruled out if diplomacy and sanctions fail to resolve the nuclear dispute.

In January, the Islamic Republic said it had successfully test-fired what it called two long-range missiles.

Earlier this month, the Iranian navy announced plans to build more warships and increase its presence in international waters such as the Gulf of Aden and northern Indian Ocean.

Iran denies Western suspicions that it is trying to develop technology and material required to produce nuclear weapons, saying it needs the know-how solely to generate electricity.

Tehran has said it would retaliate for any attack with missile strikes against Israel and U.S. assets in the Gulf.

A third round of nuclear talks between world powers and Iran on June 18-19 aimed ultimately at curbing Iranian nuclear activity in exchange for sanctions relief failed to ease the stalemate. With that process seemingly close to collapse, Israel renewed veiled threats to hit Iranian nuclear installations that it considers a mortal threat. ... OD20120629
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
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AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par AAF 2020 »

ICJ Ruling on Iran S-300 Claim ‘Pending’
Iran's complaint against Russia over Moscow's refusal to deliver S-300 air defense systems in a $800 million contract is under examination at the relevant international legal bodies, Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi said on Sunday.
It is normal for legal proceedings at international courts to “drag on,” Vahidi was quoted as saying by Press TV.
Iran lodged the complaint at the United Nations International Court of Justice in 2011 over the 2007 contract under which Moscow was to ship five S-300PMU-1 battalions.
In September 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev terminated the contract in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1929, which bans supply to Iran of conventional weapons including missiles and missile systems, tanks, attack helicopters, warplanes and ships.
Moscow has said it has no plans to resume the sale of S-300PMU-1 systems to Iran.

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par AAF 2020 »

Iran Starts Missile Drills
Ballistic missile Ghadr, codenamed Great Prophet-6. Archive
Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) began on Monday a missile exercise codenamed Great Prophet 7, Press TV reported.
The three-day drill will test Iran's newest surface-to-surface missile systems in the central Iranian province of Semnan.
An assortment of long, medium and short-range missiles will target “aggressor airbases” in the Semnan desert, Brigadier General Amir-Ali Hajizadeh, commander of Iran's IRGC Aerospace Division, said.
Iran’s Defense Minister Ahmad Vahidi has announced progress in the development and manufacture of an indigenous version of the advanced Russian S-300 air defense missile system.
Iranian military officials said the missile system, called Bavar (Belief) 373, is even more powerful and more advanced than the Russian S-300.
The $800-million contract to supply Iran with the missile system was signed in late 2007. Russia was to deliver five S-300PMU-1 battalions to Tehran. However, on September 22, 2010, Russian President Dmitry Medvedev signed a decree terminating the contract in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1929, which bans supply to Iran of conventional weapons including missiles and missile systems, tanks, attack helicopters, warplanes and ships.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par dil@w »

en complement de l'article plus haut

L’Iran effectue une simulation d’attaque sur « base étrangère » dans le cadre d’exercices militaires
L’IRNA, l’agence de presse officielle de l’Iran, vient d’annoncer le début de trois jours d’exercices militaires en plein désert du Dasht-e Kavir dans le centre du pays. Ils comportent des manœuvres balistiques sur « base étrangère ». Cette annonce coïncide avec le début de l’embargo européen sur le pétrole en provenance d’Iran, décidé pour faire pression sur son programme nucléaire.

Le général Amir Ali Hajizadeh, le commandant du Corps des gardiens de la révolution islamique, a indiqué que les manœuvres comportent des tirs de missiles simulant une attaque sur « base étrangère ». Ces manœuvres font partie du programme « Grand Prophète-7 ». Les responsables iraniens ont parlé de la construction dans le désert d’ « une réplique de base aérienne appartenant à une force extérieure à la région » sans préciser la nationalité de la base ayant servi de modèle. Pendant trois jours, des dizaines de missiles seront testés contre la base à partir de différents points du pays.

Différents types de missiles sol-sol seront testés : des Shahab 1 et des Fateh 110 à courte portée (200 km) mais aussi des Shahab 3 à longue portée (2000 km) capables de frapper Israël ou les bases américaines de la région. La précision et l’efficacité des Shahab 3 seront particulièrement contrôlées parce qu’il s’agit des seuls missiles iraniens capables de frapper des cibles à longue portée. Des missiles pour cibles navales seront aussi testés : les missiles Khalij Fars peuvent frapper des porte-avions américains à 300 km. Ces dernières années, l’Iran a déjà menacé de frapper des bases appartenant aux Etats-Unis et à leurs alliés du Golfe (Qatar, Koweït, Arabie Saoudite, Emirats arabes unis) en cas d’attaque. Dans le cadre des exercices militaires, les Gardiens de la révolution ont souligné qu’ils étaient « prêts à affronter les intimidateurs et les nations aventureuses. » ... rticle6798
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Inscription : 27 mars 2012, 15:57
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par l'adjudant/chef »

c'est pas l'arme qui tue mais l'être humaine qui tir sur la gâchette



Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par Youma »

In this picture released by the Iranian Fars News Agency, a surface-to-surface missile is launched during the Iranian Revolutionary Guards maneuver in an undisclosed location in Iran, Tuesday, July 3, 2012. Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards test fired several ballistic missiles on Tuesday, including a long-range variety capable of hitting U.S. bases in the region as well as Israel, Iranian media reported.
In this photo provided by the Iranian Students News Agency (ISNA), a surface-to-surface missile is launched during the Iranian Revolutionary Guards maneuver in an undisclosed location in Iran, Tuesday, July 3, 2012. Iran's powerful Revolutionary Guards test fired several ballistic missiles on Tuesday, including a long-range variety capable of hitting U.S. bases in the region as well as Israel, Iranian media reported.

Djoundi (جندي)
Djoundi (جندي)
Messages : 90
Inscription : 08 avril 2012, 01:24

Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par SuperGreene »

Tres belle photo. En revanche on peut se poser la question quant à leur resistance au brouillage...
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Capitaine (AdA-France)
Capitaine (AdA-France)
Messages : 533
Inscription : 21 mars 2012, 22:59
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par vonstuck »



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Capitaine (AdA-France)
Capitaine (AdA-France)
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Inscription : 21 mars 2012, 22:59
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par vonstuck »



J'ai rajouté les écussons





AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
Messages : 22317
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par AAF 2020 »

Iran : Missile antinavire balistique, "Farce Khaleej"
La télévision iranienne a diffusé des photographies de la deuxième épreuve de son balistique missile anti-navire (ASM) "Farce Khaleej" (Khalij Fars) dans le Golfe. Selon les experts, bien que le missile jusqu'à ce qu'il soit en service, l'Iran veut montrer une émission de télévision possède la technologie pour le produire. Cela a été rapporté par l'hebdomadaire "Weekly Jane de la Défense."
Les images montrées à la télévision iranienne, confirment le fait que le missile "Farce Khaleej" est équipé d'électro-optique et autodirecteur infrarouge (GOS). Pour la première fois PCR "Farce Khaleej" a été présenté en Février 2011, lorsque les médias iraniens ont publié un aperçu de la fusée, ce qui confirme qu'il est spécialement conçu sur la base des missiles balistiques tactiques, "Fateh-110" (Fateh-110). Les fonctionnaires ont déclaré que le missile est en production de masse et a une portée de 300 km.

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par AAF 2020 »

Iran’s Arms Deal Claim ‘Standard Procedure’ - Foreign Min.
S-300 surface-to-air missile systems
Iran’s legal claim over Russia’s scrapping of a 2007 contract for five S-300 surface-to-air missile systems is a “standard procedure” stipulated by the contract, an Iranian Foreign Ministry spokesman said on Tuesday.
Iran’s Defense Ministry and The Aerospace Industries Organization, an Iranian state company, filed a $4-billion lawsuit against Russia’s state arms corporation Rosoboronexport in the International Arbitration Court in Geneva on April 13, 2011.
Russia said the termination of the contract was in line with UN Security Council Resolution 1929, which bans supplying Iran with conventional weapons, including missiles and missile systems, tanks, attack helicopters, warplanes and ships.
Iranian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Ramin Mekhmanparast told RIA Novosti that the contract in dispute was a “standard treaty between countries.”
“Such treaties stipulate certain terms and conditions, so this is an ordinary procedure in such a case. We have no problems with Russia on this issue,” he said.
The statement came days after Russian Foreign Ministry Spokesman Alexander Lukashevich said a legal action was “not the best method to resolve this situation."
Iran is looking to acquire highly advanced air-defense systems, like S-300, in order to deter a potential attack from Israel or the United States on its nuclear facilities, which both nations claim are involved in nuclear weapons development. Iran denies developing atomic weapons. Iran has previously acquired the Russian Tor-M1 short-range air-defense missile system.

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
Messages : 22317
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par AAF 2020 »

Iran to Build New Missile, Seaplane
Iran will soon start manufacturing a new missile and an indigenous seaplane, Defense Minister Brigadier General Ahmad Vahidi said on Wednesday.
“The production line of high-precision missiles and armed flying boats (seaplanes) will be launched soon,” he was quoted by Press TV as saying.
He offered no timeline for the new products or their basic specifications.
Iran has been emphasizing its ability to attain self-sufficiency in defense and produce important weapon systems domestically, especially after Russia scrapped a 2007 contract for S-300 surface-to-air missile systems.
Tehran has claimed it can manufacture an S-300 system on its own.

Arif Awal (عريف أول)
Arif Awal (عريف أول)
Messages : 275
Inscription : 04 avril 2012, 15:45

Re: Armée Iranienne

Message par Amarito »

SuperGreene a écrit :Tres belle photo. En revanche on peut se poser la question quant à leur resistance au brouillage...
Je ne suis pas sur qu'on puisse brouiller un missile balistique supersonique (il n'y a pas de radar dans l'histoire, au mieux un GPS mais ce n'est pas l'élément principal du guidage), au mieux on peut espérer l'intercepter.

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