Actualités en Iran

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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 3589
Inscription : 27 octobre 2012, 23:59
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Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par zeitrecht »

D'ailleurs,le mouvement contestataire perd de l'ampleur,mais les manifestations progouvernementales se poursuivent dans plusieurs villes du pays.
L'Iran va suremment apporter un soutient aux demandes purement économiques du peuple pour éviter tout dérapages.
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Naqib (نقيب)
Naqib (نقيب)
Messages : 1703
Inscription : 17 mars 2016, 23:21

Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par Chifboubara »

Intéressant l'agenda schématisé.

Pendant que les israeloanglosaxons font tout pour casser cet accord, Micron de combat remue le plus rapidement possible la queue pour revenir dans la danse au moyen Orient.

Il ne sert plus que d'excuse démocratique pour faire croire qu'ils ne sont pas d'accord sur :

La prochaine cible est l'Iran.

«Partout où je vais les gens me tendent la main pour demander quelque chose, sauf en Algérie où les gens m'ont tendu la main pour, au contraire, m'offrir quelque chose» Yann Arthus Bertrand
«Le grand art, c'est de changer pendant la bataille. Malheur au général qui arrive au combat avec un système» Napoléon Bonaparte
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Naqib (نقيب)
Naqib (نقيب)
Messages : 1703
Inscription : 17 mars 2016, 23:21

Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par Chifboubara »

Qu'est ce qu'ils sont beaux, forts et musclés les agents du mossad.

Ils ont récupéré les documents remis en 2015 par....les Iraniens. :clown:

Bons si ça peut justifier une bonne guerre entre bons musulmans, pourquoi ils s'en priveraient ? Vu le niveau des serpillères en face (ou plutôt côté à côte).... ... e-iranien/
«Partout où je vais les gens me tendent la main pour demander quelque chose, sauf en Algérie où les gens m'ont tendu la main pour, au contraire, m'offrir quelque chose» Yann Arthus Bertrand
«Le grand art, c'est de changer pendant la bataille. Malheur au général qui arrive au combat avec un système» Napoléon Bonaparte

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 3589
Inscription : 27 octobre 2012, 23:59
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Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par zeitrecht »

Trump rejette l'accord sur le nucléaire Iranien et retour aux sanctions ... en/2533684

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
Messages : 314
Inscription : 16 janvier 2016, 18:48

Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par Iseult »

Réagissant aux sanctions US, l'Iran pourrait quitter le Traité de non-prolifération(TNP) ... trait-tnp/

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par malikos »

Uhhh ca pourra devenir chaud, douka...

Amid tension with Iran, US Navy assisting 2 Gulf of Oman tankers targeted in 'reported attack'
Jon Gambrell The Associated Press
Published 6:02 AM EDT Jun 13, 2019
DUBAI, United Arab Emirates – Two oil tankers near the strategic Strait of Hormuz were reportedly attacked on Thursday, an assault that left one ablaze and adrift as sailors were evacuated from both vessels and the U.S. Navy rushed to assist amid heightened tensions between Washington and Tehran.

Japan’s Trade Ministry said the two vessels had “Japan-related cargo” as Prime Minister Shinzo Abe was wrapping up a high-stakes visit in Tehran that sought to ease tensions between Iran and the United States.

Benchmark Brent crude spiked at one point by as much 4% in trading following the reported attack, to over $62 a barrel, highlighting how crucial the area remains to global energy supplies. A third of all oil traded by sea passes through the strait, which is the narrow mouth of the Persian Gulf.

The latest incident comes after the U.S. alleged that Iran used mines to attack four oil tankers off the nearby Emirati port of Fujairah last month. Iran has denied being involved, but it comes as Iranian-backed rebels in Yemen also have launched missile and drone attacks on Saudi Arabia.

'No preconditions': Pompeo says US prepared to talk to Iran with 'no preconditions'

Cmdr. Joshua Frey, a 5th Fleet spokesman, said the U.S. Navy was assisting the two vessels that he described as being hit in a “reported attack.” He did not say how the ships were attacked or who was suspected of being behind the assault.

Dryad Global, a maritime intelligence firm, preliminarily identified one of the vessels involved as the MT Front Altair, a Marshall Islands-flagged crude oil tanker. The vessel was “on fire and adrift,” Dryad added. It did not offer a cause for the incident or mention the second ship.

The firm that operates the Front Altair told The Associated Press that an explosion was the cause of the fire onboard. International Tanker Management declined to comment further saying they are still investigating what caused the explosion. Its crew of 23 is safe after being evacuated by the nearby Hyundai Dubai vessel, it said.

The second vessel was identified as the Kokuka Courageous. BSM Ship Management said it sustained hull damage and 21 sailors had been evacuated, with one suffering minor injuries. Iranian state television said 44 sailors from the two tankers have been transferred to an Iranian port in the southern province of Hormozgan.

The timing of Thursday’s reported attack was especially sensitive as Abe’s high-stakes diplomacy mission was underway in Iran. On Wednesday, after talks with Iranian President Hassan Rouhani, Abe warned that any “accidental conflict” that could be sparked amid the heightened U.S.-Iran tensions must be avoided.

His message came just hours after Yemen’s Iranian-backed Houthi rebels attacked a Saudi airport, striking its arrivals hall before dawn and wounding 26 people Wednesday.

Iranian foreign minister: US 'cannot expect to stay safe' because of 'economic war'

Abe met with Iran’s Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei on Thursday, the second and final day of his visit. There were no immediate details about what they discussed.

Meanwhile, in Tokyo, Japan’s Chief Cabinet Secretary Yoshihide Suga, a top government spokesman, told reporters that Abe’s trip was intended to help de-escalate tensions in the Mideast – but not specifically mediate between Tehran and Washington.

His remarks were apparently meant to downplay and lower expectations amid uncertain prospects for Abe’s mission.

Tensions have escalated in the Mideast as Iran appears poised to break the 2015 nuclear deal with world powers, an accord that the Trump administration pulled out of last year.

Iran’s nuclear deal, reached in 2015 by China, Russia, France, Germany, the United Kingdom and the U.S., saw Tehran agree to limit its enrichment of uranium in exchange for the lifting of crippling sanctions. Western powers feared Iran’s atomic program could allow it to build nuclear weapons, although Iran long has insisted its program was for peaceful purposes.

Inside Iran: Anger, weariness, wonderment as Trump reimposes sanctions

In withdrawing from the deal last year, Trump pointed to the accord not limiting Iran’s ballistic missile program and not addressing what American officials describe as Tehran’s malign influence across the wider Middle East. Those who struck the deal at the time described it as a building block toward further negotiations with Iran, whose Islamic government has had a tense relationship with America since the 1979 takeover of the U.S. Embassy in Tehran and subsequent hostage crisis.

Already, Iran says it quadrupled its production of low-enriched uranium. Meanwhile, U.S. sanctions have cut off opportunities for Iran to trade its excess uranium and heavy water abroad, putting Tehran on course to violate terms of the nuclear deal regardless.

Published 6:02 AM EDT Jun 13, 2019

Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
Messages : 891
Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 16:49
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Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par koko150 »

en attendant et apres le retrait de peugeot de l'iran, les iraniens ont annoncer avoir reussi a produire la peugeot 301 sans composants t sans assistance francaise, actuellement le taux d'integration est de 60% et arrivera ensuite a 80%

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 3589
Inscription : 27 octobre 2012, 23:59
Has thanked : 47 times
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Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par zeitrecht »

Selon Sputnik France,l'Iran et les USA auraient trouvé à Vienne un accord sur le nucléaire.Bon,Sputnik France fait souvent dans le sensationalisme mais wait and see comme dit le British.

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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 3071
Inscription : 17 septembre 2012, 23:17
Localisation : Not in Algiers

Re: Actualités en Iran

Message par tahiadidou »

L'Iran aurait réussi a evader les sanctions américaines. Ils ont réussi a acheter 4 Airbus A340 :shock:
Iran confirms purchase of four Airbus A340 airliners
Iran’s Civil Aviation Administration has confirmed the purchase of four Airbus A340 wide-body aircraft, despite US sanctions.

On December 24, 2022, the four Airbus A340 airliners, formerly flown by Turkish Airlines and recently registered in Burkina Faso, departed for a scheduled flight from South Africa to Uzbekistan. However, as they flew over Iran, the aircraft disappeared from flight tracking services.

Days later, their presence at Mehrabad International Airport (THR) in Tehran, Iran, was confirmed by satellite imagery.
On December 29, 2022, Hassan Khoshko, spokesman for the Civil Aviation Administration of Iran, announced that the four airliners had been acquired to be used by one of Iran’s airlines. It is unclear how the deal to circumvent sanctions was struck.

With the country being under international sanctions since the end of the 1970s, Iran’s civil aviation is in dire need of new aircraft.

In May 2018, the United States administration decided to reimpose sanctions on the Islamic Republic of Iran, described by then newly-elected President Donald Trump as the main sponsor of international terrorism.

As a result, many aviation companies on both sides of the Atlantic were forced to annul hundreds of aircraft sales to Iran, worth over $30 billion.

Only the Franco-Italian planemaker ATR managed to follow through, delivering five aircraft to Iran Air on August 5, 2018, a mere day before new US sanctions took effect.
source: ... -airliners

Des photos satellitaires (Sentinel-2) confirment la presence de ces 4 Airbus. Marrant... Sentinel-2 est un satellite fabrique par Airbus :lol:
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