Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

USA, Espagne, France, UK, Portugal, Italie, Canada, Pays de l'est...

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par Dragunov »

Nouvelle tourelle du Boxer avec se qui semble être des panneaux de radars (AESA?) :twisted:
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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par Dragunov »

Nouveau camo pour des Leopard 2PL
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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
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Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
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Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par Dragunov »

200th Puma IFV shipped to Bundeswehr

Rheinmetall has shipped the 200th Puma infantry fighting vehicle (IFV) for the German military, the company announced on 5 June.
The vehicle will be received by the Bundeswehr’s force integration organisation in Munster, Lower Saxony.
The Puma IFV is produced by Projekt System & Management (PSM), a 50:50 joint venture between Rheinmetall and Krauss-Maffei Wegmannin. The company will also be responsible for providing subsequent in-service support. Each of the two partners is responsible for manufacturing half of the vehicles on order; this is the 100th Puma manufactured by Rheinmetall.
Delivery of all 342 combat vehicles to Germany, which commenced in 2015, is scheduled for completion in 2020. In addition to the IFVs the Bundeswehr has also taken delivery of eight driver training vehicles.
The Puma vehicle is designed to provide soldiers with battlefield lethality, mobility, C2 and situational awareness. The Puma has advanced fire power and network-enabled capabilities. The compact IFV can accommodate nine soldiers and can be airlifted into the theatre of operations in an A400M military transport plane.
PSM is also working to expand the vehicle’s capabilities, including undertaking development of the new 'turret-independent secondary weapon system' which will enable the use of non-lethal munitions, as well as installation of advanced visualisation technology and displays, and improving training options. ... undeswehr/

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par Dragunov »

The German Air Force Wants To Know If Its Eurofighters Can Carry U.S. Nuclear Bombs

Germany's formal inquiry suggests that the European fighter remain its preferred option for replacing its aging Tornado combat jets.

German officials have reportedly asked their American counterparts about whether it would be possible to turn the Eurofighter Typhoon into a nuclear strike aircraft. The answer to this question could have serious ramifications on Germany’s effort to replace its aging Panavia Tornado combat jets, which are certified to carry U.S. B61 nuclear bombs during a crisis as part of an inter-NATO agreement, and reinforces previous reports that the European fighter jet is the German Air Force’s preferred option. ... ssion=true
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Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par sadral »

La frégate allemande « Sachsen » victime d’un sérieux incident lors du tir d’un missile surface-air
Le 21 juin, la frégate de défense aérienne allemande « Sachsen », entrée en service en 2003, devait réaliser un exercice prévoyant le tir (réel) d’un missile surface-air SM-2, alors qu’elle naviguait, avec la frégate anti-sous-marine « Lübeck », au nord du cercle polaire, dans une zone d’essais norvégienne.

Normalement, un tel exercice aurait dû se dérouler sans histoire. Sauf que le missile SM-2 n’est pas parti de son tube de lancement. Pire : son moteur a pris feu à bord du navire.

« Nous étions devant un mur de feu étincelant et brillant », a raconté le capitaine de frégate Thomas Hacken, dont le témoignage a été publié sur le site Internet de la Bundeswehr.

La prompte réaction de l’équipage a permis de maîtriser l’incendie. Mais deux marins ont toutefois été légèrement blessés.

D’après la Deutsche Marine, « il n’y avait aucun indice de défaut technique dans le système de lancement » de ce missile SM-2, lequel venait de faire l’objet d’un « examen technique ». Qui plus est, un engin du même type avait été auparavant tiré avec succès.
Les frégates Sachsen et Lübeck ont depuis rejoint le port norvégien de Harstad, où une évaluation plus précises des dégâts doit être effectuée.
Les eaux norvégiennes ne portent pas chance à la marine allemande. L’an passé, le sous-marin U-35, de type U-212A, avait été endommagé lors d’un essai en eaux profondes, au large de Kristiansand. A priori, l’une des barres de son gouvernail aurait heurté un rocher, provoquant des dégâts assez importants pour justifier son retour au chantier naval de TyssenKrupp Marine Systems à Kiel. ... rface-air/
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« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par Dragunov »

Photo amateur de la frégate Sachsen pendant l'incident
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Raïd (رائد)
Raïd (رائد)
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Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par ANP4DZ »

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par malikos »

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par malikos »

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par malikos »

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par malikos »

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par malikos »

TKMS submits binding offer for Norwegian, German Type 212 submarine construction

Illustration: German Navy photo of Type 212 submarine U34

By: Faris Pasic

A joint German-Norwegian project to procure common-design Type 212 air-independent propulsion submarines has made another step forward as ThyssenKrupp Marine Systems (TKMS) – the preferred contractor on the project – submitted its binding offer in October this year.

As disclosed by the Norwegian government, the two countries’ procurement agencies, Norwegian Defence Materiel Agency (NDMA) and Germany’s Bundesamt für Ausrüstnung, Informationstechnik und Nutzung der Bundeswehr (BAAINBw), received the binding offer from the main supplier on October 30, 2018, and have begun a joint evaluation of the offer.

The two countries will subsequently enter into joint negotiations with the shipyard with the aim of reaching an agreement and signing a contract in 2019. Should all go according to plans, the first boat will be delivered seven years after the construction contract is signed.

Norway and Germany are procuring six identical Type 212 CD (common design) submarines after TKMS was selected as the preferred bidder in February 2017. French submarine specialist Naval Group also participated in the Norwegian tender but the proposition of acquiring the submarines jointly with Germany likely tipped the decision in favor of Germany’s TKMS.

The German Navy already operates six vessels in the class. The same type of submarine is in service with the Italian Navy.

Norway is acquiring four air-independent submarines to replace the existing six Ula-class submarines that were commissioned between 1989-1992. The submarines were designed to last for 30 years and will reach the end of their life in the mid-2020s. The country has also brought in UK-based BMT Defence Services (BMT) as a consultant in the project.

In addition to the submarine cooperation, Germany and Norway have established a navy-to-navy cooperation, research and development cooperation and a missile cooperation.

The new Type 212 CD submarines will share the low signatures of the Type 212 class but will have extended range, speed and endurance to allow worldwide operations, according to TKMS. ... struction/

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par malikos »

new updates with lithium-ion batteries to expect for German subs and in general for future gen. subs.
AIP may be not required/or complemented.
New Lithium-Ion Batteries for Submarines: Prototypes to be Presented at EURONAVAL
(Source: Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems; issued Oct 19, 2018)

Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems has developed a new type of lithium-ion battery system for submarines together with Saft, a manufacturer of advanced battery systems for industry. In an adapted form, the system could also be used for other maritime applications in future.

Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems will present the prototype at the EURONAVAL for the first time to the public.

Dr. Rolf Wirtz, CEO of Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems: "The use of the new battery technology has enormous tactical advantages. We are entering a new era of submarine construction." Compared to the known lead-acid battery, maintenance is negligible, and the lifetime is much higher. The new batteries depend little on the removable energy from the discharge currents and a submarine can – regardless of battery charge – drive at maximum speed.

In addition to a system design tailored to safety and to the special requirements of the operation in the maritime sector as well as a selection of safe cell chemistry, a series of tests has already successfully demonstrated the safety at battery cell and system level. Further intensive test series are planned until sample inspection.

Dr. Rolf Wirtz, CEO of Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems: "The tests have been extremely successful so far. In the coming year, we want to have completed the sample inspections required for the approval."

The system is designed as part of a study, which is carried out on behalf of the German procurement office, BAAINBw, to support the integration into new submarine projects for HDW Class 212 as well as re-fit solutions into existing weapon platforms. Concepts for an adapted design for integration into HDW Class 214 are planned. Due to the modular design of the battery system, it can in principal be adapted to fit into any naval application.

Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems at EURONAVAL from 23 October to 26 October 2018 in Paris

You can find Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems in the German pavilion in hall 2B, booth G45/G51 together with ATLAS ELEKTRONIK. As a leading systems supplier for non-nuclear submarines and naval surface vessels, we present a wide range of products in addition to the prototype of the new battery technology:

-- Submarine HDW Class 212A as well as Frigate Class 125 and Corvette Class 130; specifically designed for the German Navy and its mission requirements
-- MEKO Family (A-100 and A-200) and submarines HDW Class 209/1400mod and 214, products that enable our international customers to solve their operational challenges
-- Future kta naval systems consoles of the Combat Management System of the new submarine HDW Class 212CD
-- Capability enhancements such as HDW Fuel Cell System with reformer or IDAS

Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems' battery partner, Saft, will display its advanced battery technologies for submarines, torpedoes, civil marine, and other defense applications at the Euronaval show in booth F31.

Thyssen Krupp Marine Systems is one of the world's leading system suppliers for submarines and naval surface vessels. The company has a history of naval shipbuilding that dates back centuries and offers state-of-the-art technologies, innovations and extensive and dependable services to customers around the world.

Saft specializes in advanced technology battery solutions for industry, from the design and development to the production, customization and service provision. Saft is a wholly-owned subsidiary of Total, a leading international oil and gas company and a major player in low-carbon energies.


Naval Group Presents LIBRT, Its New Generation of Lithium-Ion Batteries System for Submarines
(Source: Nava Group; issued Oct 22, 2018)
Naval Group has developed a high performance and highly secure Li-ion batteries system to provide its conventional submarines with outstanding operational capabilities, as well as an immersion period and reloading time largely optimised.

The navies that will operate this new technology will boast a major technological superiority on theatres of operations.

This success is the result of a close cooperation between Naval Group, Saft, CEA Tech and EDF R&D.

The Li-ion batteries system LIBRT, improved security and performances on-board submarines developed by Naval Group

LIBRT increases significantly the submarines’ submerged endurance and improves its stealth, while guaranteeing better security conditions.

This cutting-edge technology offers twice more available energy while reducing significantly the reloading time.

In hostile environments, the submarine will therefore take advantage from an increased submerged operating range as well as from the capability to evade all kinds of naval threats. Fast loading battery limits the time spent in periscopic immersion, thus enhancing the indetectability of the submarine.

These are valuable operational advantages that provide the submarines with a real technological superiority compared to current generations. As for security, nothing has been left to chance. To fit a batteries system on-board a submarine requires upstream precautions to ensure complete security.

These requirements have been integrated from the earliest stage of the design of this new batteries system, being for the choice of electrochemistry or for the conception of the embedded system.

To do so, Naval Group has implemented the same methodologies and security requirements as for the conception of nuclear submarines for the French Navy.

The Li-ion batteries system LIBRT, all the power of Made in France

This is a tight-knit and fully dedicated French Team that is mobilised over the development and the implementation of this new batteries system.

Thanks to the high level of competences and experiences of Saft, CEA Tech, EDF R&D and Naval Group – all leaders on their respective markets – the Li-ion batteries system LIBRT epitomizes the French innovating and creativity spirit.

Naval Group brings its experience as a system provider and integrator, Saft its expertise in the conception and production of state-of-the-art Li-ion batteries, CEA Tech provides Naval Group with its research capacities in the fields of chemistry, structure and electronics and, finally, EDF R&D volunteers its experience and its first rank testing facilities for energy production systems requiring high levels of safety, reliability and security.

The Li-ion batteries system LIBRT, a project supported by the French DGA

This innovating battery system has been developed in the frame of Naval Group’s strategic R&D roadmap, in close technical partnership with the French Defence Procurement Agency (DGA) that has been monitoring that high levels of security and safety were applied.

Alain Guillou, Senior Executive Vice-President declared “the successful development of the LIBRT Li-ion batteries systems is a huge technological stride for the new generation of submarines developed by Naval Group. It provides utmost security guarantees as well as operational and technological superiority to all our clients worldwide.”

Naval Group is a European leader in naval defence. The group designs, builds and supports submarines and surface ships. It also supplies services to shipyards and naval bases. The group reports revenues of €3.7 billion and has a workforce of 13,429 (data for 2017). ... rines.html

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par Dragunov »

Germany to upgrade 101 more Leopard 2 tanks to 2A7V configuration
The German Federal Ministry of Defense has announced that the German parliament approved two submissions in the total amount of $484 million (€ 428 million) for increasing capabilities of the German Bundeswehr.

The main part of this amount should be directed to the upgrade by 2026 of an additional 101 Leopard 2A6 and Leopard 2A6M2 main battle tanks of the German army in the newest modification of Leopard 2A7V.

“101 Main Battle Tank Leopard 2 variants A6M A2 and A6 are to be brought to a similar design level as the latest version Leopard 2 A7V. The aim is to adapt to the Leopard 2 A7V in terms of operation and logistics,” said in Federal Ministry of Defense statement.

“The tanks’ systems will be standardized to make them more effective, increase protection, and allow for the exchange of crews,” added in a statement.

According to media reports in recent weeks, the Leopard 2A7V is the latest version of German-made main battle tank (MBT) in the Leopard 2 family. The new version is developed by German weapons maker Rheinmetall.

Rheinmetall will be transforming a total of 101 main battle tanks, bringing them up to A7V standard. In the process, Rheinmetall specialists will be eliminating obsolescent features in the fire control computers and control consoles as well as installing a new laser rangefinder and thermal imaging device.

All upgraded Leopard 2A7V tanks will be capable of using Rheinmetall’s new programmable DM11 multipurpose round.

Another part of the approved allocations is allocated for the purchase of over 30,000 pieces of 155 mm ammunition for the Panzerhaubitze (PzH) 2000 self-propelled howitzer. ... ation.html
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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Allemande [Bundeswehr]

Message par Dragunov »

Puma IFV
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