Industrie Militaire

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AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par AAF 2020 »

Diehl lance un Sidewinder à guidage laser
Le missile LaGS est un AIM-9L à guidage laser
Après s'être imposé comme le missile air-air courte portée occidental le plus vendu dans le monde, l'AIM-9 Sidewinder pourrait bien connaître une nouvelle carrière dans des applications air-sol.

Le missilier allemand Diehl, qui a acquis de longue date des compétences dans la construction sous licence de ce missile pour certains clients européens, va profiter du salon ILA (qui s'ouvrira le 11 septembre) pour dévoiler son "Laser-Guided Sidewinder", ou LaGS, un AIM-9 doté d'un capteur semi-actif laser... pour détruire des cibles terrestres.

Selon l'industriel allemand, il existerait aujourd'hui un marché pour des munitions air-sol légères, capables d'engager avec précision des cibles faiblement blindées. Diehl propose donc de "recycler" des AIM-9L, déjà dans l'inventaire des clients potentiels, en les équipant d'un capteur semi-actif laser qui leur permettrait, avec une reprogrammation logicielle, de traiter des cibles terrestres mobiles.

L'avantage principal est de s'affranchir de toute contrainte d'intégration, puisque le Sidewinder équipe déjà bon nombre d'avions de combat de part le monde.

En soi, l'idée n'est pas neuve. Entre 2007 et 2009, Raytheon avait démontré à la demande de l'US Air Force que son AIM-9X était capable de frapper des objectifs terrestres ; trois tirs d'essais réussis avaient été réalisés depuis un F-15C et un F-16, contre des embarcations rapides et un véhicule de transport de troupes. Mais ce programme de recherche n'a pas donné lieu à un déploiement opérationnel. ... laser.html

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par AAF 2020 »

Lance-roquettes Smertch: la Russie et l'Inde créent une coentreprise
Le lance-roquettes multiples Smertch
La Russie et l'Inde se sont mises d'accord de créer une coentreprise qui s'occupera de la production et des services d'après-vente des projectiles pour le lance-roquettes multiples Smertch, a annoncé mercredi à Moscou l'agence russe d'exportation d'armements Rosoboronexport.
"Rosoboronexport, le groupe de recherche et de production Splav et le ministère indien de la Défense ont signé un mémorandum de coopération sur la mise en place d'une usine et l'organisation des services d'après-vente des projectiles pour les lance-roquettes multiples Smertch le 12 août 2012 à New Delhi. Les technologies de production des projectiles à réaction pour lance-roquettes Smertch seront entièrement mises à la disposition de la nouvelle coentreprise", a indiqué l'agence dans un communiqué.
Le lance-roquettes multiple Smertch frappe au moyen de missiles guidés et de munitions classiques: à fragmentation, explosives, à perforation autoguidée, avec des mines antichar et des projectiles thermo-barométriques. Il est destiné à détruire du personnel, du matériel blindé et d'artillerie, des missiles tactiques, des systèmes de missiles sol-air, des hélicoptères en stationnement, des postes de commandement, de transmissions et des infrastructures militaires et industrielles. Les obus à réaction 300 mm atteignent des objectifs situés à une distance de 90 km.
Moscou et New Delhi "veilleront à la protection des informations secrètes. La signature du mémorandum sur la création de la coentreprise confirme que la coopération militaire et technique russo-indienne permettant de réaliser des projets d'envergure repose sur la confiance réciproque, l'amitié et le partenariat géopolitique stratégique", lit-on dans le document.
Rosoboronexport est la seule société publique russe ayant le droit d'exporter tous les types d'armements, de services et de technologies militaires et duales russes. Elle représente plus de 80% des exportations russes d'armements et de matériels de guerre et coopère avec plus de 70 pays. Rosoboronexport occupe une place importante sur le marché mondial des armements.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par dil@w »

MBDA Allemagne a inauguré un nouveau site d’intégration et de simulation pour les systèmes anti-aériens à Schrobenhausen

MBDA Germany has opened a new simulation and integration centre for air defense systems at its Schrobenhausen site.

With approximately 4,000 m² of usable space, this building offers a modern infrastructure and sufficient space for integrating large end items such as radar systems, launchers and command posts, and for installation in vehicles.

The building also houses a new simulation centre enabling, amongst other things, the simulation of air defense scenarios. The hall is a key part of the air defense centre of excellence at the company’s main site in Schrobenhausen. In addition to the new simulation and integration centre, the company’s facilities also comprise the test centre in Freinhausen and the laser weapons test facility. ... =2&lang=en
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par dil@w »

Raytheon remporte le contrat pour les missiles SM-3

The Missile Defense Agency awarded Raytheon a $230 million contract for 14 Standard Missile-3 Block IA missiles and 5 SM-3 Block IB missiles.

The SM-3 Block IA missiles will bolster the nation's inventory that is deployed around the world today aboard U.S and Japanese Navy ships.

Designed to destroy short- to intermediate-range ballistic missile threats in space, Raytheon's SM-3 Block IB includes an enhanced two-color infrared seeker for better target discrimination.

This improved SM-3, which was recently successful in two back-to-back flight tests in May and June 2012, also has a Throttleable Divert and Attitude Control System that allows the kinetic warhead to propel itself toward incoming threats using short bursts of precision propulsion.

Raytheon has delivered more than 135 SM-3 missiles to the U.S. and Japanese navies on time and on budget. ... =2&lang=en
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par dil@w »

Boeing voit l'Inde, Singapour et la Corée du Sud comme potentiels clients pour son Arrow 3
Dennis Muilenburg, chief executive of Boeing’s defense, space and security arm, told Reuters that India, Singapore and South Korea are potential markets to sell the Arrow 3 anti-missile system his company is co-developing with Israel Aerospace Industries.

“As we prove out that technology, and show that it’s not only affordable but effective, we think there will be additional global market opportunities for that capability.” ... 8620120904
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
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Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par Youma »

Lockheed to manufacture three F-35 striker jet models



Senior Pentagon officials are expected today to sign off on a comprehensive plan for testing and evaluating Lockheed Martin Corp’s F-35 Joint Strike Fighter, an important next step for the new stealth warplane, according to two sources familiar with the program.

The test evaluation master plan, already approved by U.S. Navy and Air Force officials, maps out a schedule for testing that must be completed before the military can start using the new radar-evading fighter for military operations, said the sources, who were not authorized to speak publicly, Reuters reported yesterday.

Senior defense officials who served on the Defense Acquisition Board are expected to approve the document at a meeting scheduled for today, they said. The meeting is not intended to address any other significant program milestones.

Lockheed is developing and building three variants of the F-35 for the U.S. Air Force, Navy and Marine Corps, as well as eight international partners who are helping to fund the plane’s development, plus Israel and Japan.

The international partners are Turkey, Italy, Canada, Australia, Denmark, Norway and the Netherlands.

When the program began in 2001, the U.S. military planned to begin using the new fighter this year, but it has been delayed by several years to address technical issues and reduce the overlap between development and early production.

Turkey has neared ordering a second pair of the jointly-made, next-generation, stealth fighter F-35 Joint Strike Fighter Lightning II aircraft, as it did earlier this year following the production of the first two, a senior procurement official said over the weekend. The shipment date set for the first two is 2015. ... sCatID=345
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par dil@w »

Lockheed Martin obtient un contrat de 152 millions $ pour la maintenaces des PODs Sniper ATP de l'US Air Force pour 5 ans

“Receiving this contract is critical to preserving Sniper pod sustainment for the U.S. Air Force without incurring a gap in support to the warfighter,” said Ashlie Payne, Sniper program manager in Lockheed Martin’s Missiles and Fire Control business. “Through collaboration with Warner Robins, legacy Sniper ATP pods will continue to excel in providing aircrews with unmatched targeting capability.”

The Sniper pod provides precision targeting and non-traditional intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance information for multiple U.S. Air Force and international aircraft, with testing ongoing on additional platforms.

Enhanced tracking and continuous stabilization techniques enable maximum tactical standoff range, allowing pilots to track and defeat stationary and moving targets undetected. A video data link enables the Sniper pod to provide critical situational awareness information across all missions, including close air support of ground forces. ... -Contract/
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par dil@w »

la firme turque Yakupoğlu Tekstil ve Deri Sanayi (YDS) va fabriquer 300 000 paires de bottes pour l'armée britannique en 4 ans
Turkish firm Yakupoğlu Tekstil ve Deri Sanayi (YDS) has won a large military boot tender held by the British Defense Ministry. YDS beat 46 other companies for the $80 million contract to supply the British military, and will now produce 300,000 pairs of boots for British soldiers in four years, according to the terms of the tender. ... ivals.html
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par dil@w »

PZL-Świdnik filiale polonaise d'Agusta Westland envisage une version multi-rôle navale de son helicoptere Gluszec

Mission equipment planned for the aircraft includes a search radar, dipping sonar, sonobuoys, forward-looking infrared sensor, rescue hoist and searchlight. To enable embarked operations, it would also feature an all-new landing gear and an emergency flotation system, plus new main rotor blades with a blade-fold system.
To be capable of performing anti-submarine and anti-surface warfare tasks, plus search and rescue missions, and transport, the helicopter would be armed with torpedoes, air-to-surface missiles and machine guns. ... er-376152/
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
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Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par Youma »

Embraer, Brazilian Air Force Complete Initial KC-390 Design Review

Mon, Sep 10, 2012 09:49 CET

Embraer Defense and Security and the Brazilian Air Force have concluded the preliminary design review of the military transport jet KC-390 development project.

The Air Force Command received technical characteristics of the project’s solutions adopted for structural and aircraft systems, including the definitions of the main components and their interfaces, demonstrating that the project has reached its expected maturity at the current phase.

“We are quite pleased with the results and we are sure that the project is on the right track”, said Colonel-Engineer Sergio Carneiro, Project KC-390 Manager at FAB. “We checked all the main aspects of the aircraft’s project and the KC-390 meets the Brazilian Air Force’s expectations”.

As part of the project design review, an evaluation of the cockpit’s ergonomics was also performed, with the participation of Air Force Command military personnel, featuring 1st Lieutenant-Aviator Joyce de Souza Conceição, of the 1st/1st Transport Group. Lieutenant-Aviator Joyce de Souza is the first woman pilot to evaluate the KC-390’s cockpit.

“The discussions with the Air Force were very productive and we are pleased with the result of this work”, said Paulo Gastão Silva, Director of the KC-390 Program at Embraer. “We have a very qualified and motivated team on this project and we will keep working hard to satisfy our customer”.

Equipped with the most advanced mission and flight systems, the KC-390 is the largest aircraft ever built by the Brazilian aircraft industry and will establish a new standard for mid-sized military transport aircraft, in terms of performance and load capacity.

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
Messages : 3343
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par Youma »

GE Completes Lynx Radar Testing

Mon, Sep 10, 2012 14:56 CET

General Atomics Aeronautical System announced that it has completed the integration and operational testing of its Lynx Multi-mode Radar.

The next-generation facility, it integrates Synthetic Aperture Radar, Ground Moving Target Indicator (GMTI), and Dismount Moving Target Indicator (DMTI) radar into one.

Testing was conducted by the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS)/Customs and Border Protection (CBP) out of its National Air Security Operations Center in Grand Forks.

The new Lynx Multi-mode Radar is a two-channel variant that expands agent situational awareness significantly, enabling them to detect, locate, and improve high geo-location accuracy of a much wider range of moving targets of the existing single-channel Lynx Block 20 Radar.

It utilises enhanced radar techniques and a Space Time Adaptive Processor (STAP) that permits a target to be imaged using a matrix and improves the radar’s MTI capabilities, enabling the detection of people.

It also enhances the system’s ability to cross-cue Predator B’s other onboard sensors to pursue high-value targets and allows for improved target tracking.

Linden Blue, president, Reconnaissance Systems Group, GA-ASI, said, “Utilizing the Moving Target Indicator mode for detecting people walking or slow-moving vehicles from an RPA is a cutting-edge capability. The real paradigm shift is DMTI, which allows agents to detect extremely slow-movers, ranging from walkers or people on bicycles”.

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
Messages : 22313
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par AAF 2020 »

MBDA : la coopération franco-britannique menacée sur l'ANL
L'ANL pourrait être intégré sur le NH90.
C'est un programme symbolique pour la coopération franco-britannique dans le domaine de l'industrie de défense: le missile antinavire léger (ANL), proposé par MBDA pour équiper les hélicoptères AW159 Wildcat britanniques et les NH90 et Panther français, est toujours en attente d'une décision française pour débuter sa phase de développement.

"Les Britanniques ont clairement fait savoir que ce programme était prioritaire et urgent pour leurs forces armées, et qu'ils se lanceraient tous seuls dans le développement si la France tardait trop à réagir", explique-t-on chez le missilier européen.

Si cette option venait à être retenue par Londres, elle mettrait en péril la stratégie du missilier qui souhaitait profiter de ce programme pour mettre en place une "spécialisation" de ses activités de part et d'autre de la Manche, notamment en répartissant les compétences au sein de "centres d'excellence" dédiés aux liaisons de données, aux actuateurs, aux calculateurs embarqués et aux moyens d'essais statiques.

Ce partage de responsabilités aurait donc peu de chances de voir le jour à court terme en l'absence d'un programme structurant comme l'ANL, souligne-t-on chez l'industriel.

Interrogées quant à de possibles coupes sur d'autres programmes de missiles, ces mêmes sources indiquent "n'être tranquilles sur aucun des sujets". Emblématique, le remplacement des missiles antichar Milan au titre du programme MMP (missile moyenne portée) devrait en effet être consommateur de ressources au cours des années à venir, si son lancement est confirmé. ... l-anl.html

Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
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Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
Localisation : Forcesdz

Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par Youma »

ITT Exelis, Novasol To Develop Fast, Low Cost Laser Communication System

Tue, Sep 11, 2012 15:14 CET

ITT Exelis and partner Innovative Technical Solutions (aka NOVASOL) have been awarded a $7 million contract to develop a laser communications system for the U.S. Navy and U.S. Marine Corps.

As intelligence, surveillance and reconnaissance (ISR) missions grow in numbers, it is becoming pertinent for more data to be exchanged faster than before. Delivering ISR data to warfighters in record time could be critical to mission success.

The latest laser communication system will allow data as much as three gigabytes per second to be transferred to decision makers without using total radio frequency transmissions.

The team will complete development of a line-of-sight, high-bandwidth laser communications system that will be used for ship-to-ship, ship-to-shore and ground-to-ground mission applications.

“Today’s missions require moving huge amounts of data – more than three gigabytes per second – all in near real time,” said Gary Tarantino, manager of advanced systems and strategic initiatives for Exelis Electronic Systems. “Using laser communications gives our forces the information they need without competing with radio frequency transmissions – it’s like having your own traffic lane at rush hour”.

“With technology developed by our companies in concert with the Office of Naval Research and the Naval Research Laboratory during the past eight years, moving high volumes of data with laser communications is now cost-effective and dependable,” said John Sender, vice president at NOVASOL. “Our systems will help ensure warfighters have the tactical and strategic edge in combat operations”.

Exelis and NOVASOL have successfully field-demonstrated their laser capability, using both short- and long-range transmission, within a simulated Marine Corps network. The team has also participated in Navy exercises to improve the technology used to transmit and receive data over extended line-of-sight distances in diverse weather conditions.

Under the contract, Exelis is leading systems engineering, product development and production, and NOVASOL is engaged in the design and development of laser communication technologies.
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Topic author
Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par dil@w »

La societe Piriou enregistre sa premiere commande pour son nouveau navire d'entrainement de 44m

PIRIOU registers an order for a Maritime Training Ship (MTS) to be operated by navOcéan, a joint company created by PIRIOU and DCI.

This 44-meter ship will be delivered in autumn 2013 and will be named «Almak» («desert lynx») after a star of the Andromeda constellation.

The vessel will be used by DCI (The group specializes in providing operational training courses based on the know-how of the French Armed Forces) for training foreign naval forces. ... iew&id=593
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
Peace Through Superior Firepower
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Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
Messages : 3343
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
Localisation : Forcesdz

Re: Industrie Militaire

Message par Youma »

Northrop Grumman To Demonstrate Next-Gen, Long Range Radar Replacement For U.S Air Force

Wed, Sep 12, 2012 15:07 CET

Northrop Grumman has been awarded a $34.7 million contract by the U.S Air Force to demonstrate technologies for its Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar (3DELRR) program.

Three-Dimensional Expeditionary Long-Range Radar will replace the AN/TPS-75 radar systems. The 3DELRR solution is a highly mobile, and will be the primary Air Force ground-based, long-range radar for detecting airborne threats affordable and reliable radar system that will enhance the capabilities of the Air Force.

Jeff Palombo, vice president and general manager of Northrop Grumman's Land and Self Protection Systems division said, “Our solution is based on mature AESA technology and its implementation into multiple radar systems for airborne and ground-based applications, Northrop Grumman is uniquely able to offer significant cost savings to the Air Force over the life cycle of the program. This includes the near-term engineering and manufacturing development phase as well as the potential to accelerate 3DELRR IOC Initial Operational Capability, which will save operational and maintenance costs on the aging TPS-75 systems”.

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