Séparatisme et Tensions Tribales en Libye

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Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
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Inscription : 17 septembre 2012, 23:17
Localisation : Not in Algiers

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par tahiadidou »

Merci pour ce rappel sur cet enfoiré de ...Maréchal :lol:
Tout est rentré dans l'ordre, semble-t-il.
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Naqib (نقيب)
Naqib (نقيب)
Messages : 1703
Inscription : 17 mars 2016, 23:21

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par Chifboubara »

tahiadidou a écrit :
13 septembre 2018, 03:52
Merci pour ce rappel sur cet enfoiré de ...Maréchal :lol:
Tout est rentré dans l'ordre, semble-t-il.
On dit Pschittt ou t..zzz ?

«Partout où je vais les gens me tendent la main pour demander quelque chose, sauf en Algérie où les gens m'ont tendu la main pour, au contraire, m'offrir quelque chose» Yann Arthus Bertrand
«Le grand art, c'est de changer pendant la bataille. Malheur au général qui arrive au combat avec un système» Napoléon Bonaparte
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Inscription : 03 avril 2012, 19:55
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Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par sadral »

L’USAF conduit un raid aérien à 50 Km de la frontière algérienne
Des bombardiers appartenant à l’US Airforce ont effectué hier, 29 novembre, une attaque aérienne contre un convoi de terroristes appartenant au groupe AQMI, dans le Sud-Ouest libyen à quelques encablures de la frontière Algérienne et à moins de 100 Km de la ville de Djanet.

Selon le communiqué de l’AFRICOM, cette attaque aérienne a eu lieu à Al Aweiynat, elle aurait ciblée trois véhicules et permis l’élimination de 11 hommes armé. Le même communiqué signale que ce bombardement a eu lieu avec la collaboration du Gouvernement National Libyen. Si le GNA est totalement absent de la région, cette phraséologie indique que les appareils américains, probablement des F-15, sont venus du Nord.

Selon nos informations, cette attaque est venue pendant le déplacement d’un colonne de quatre véhicules Pickups avec à leur bord 20 individus armés, alors qu’ils se déplaçaient entre Ghat et Al Aweiynat. Trois véhicules ont été totalement détruits, faisant 14 morts et deux blessés graves dans les rangs des hommes armés. Le quatrième véhicule a échappé à l’attaque.

Nos sources, confirment que des membres d’une tribu touareg de la région sont intervenues et encerclé les fuyards capturant ainsi six hommes, ils ont été remis à des émissaires du Gouvernement libyen, ils sont actuellement en captivité à Tripoli. Les 14 terroristes tués, dont des libyens, des mauritaniens et des maliens, ont été enterrés aujourd’hui, après identification à Oubari.

La région allant de Ghat, près de la frontière Algérienne et Awbari plus à l’Est est devenue une véritable base-arrière pour AQMI, depuis deux ou trois ans. De nombreuses frappes aériennes, à l’aide de drones ou de bombardiers ont déjà eu lieu. La France et les USA surveillent étroitement cette zone.
https://www.menadefense.net/afnord/lusa ... lgerienne/
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« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

F15...ya baba? Même pas un drone?
Donc programme complet...ravitailleur, satellite etc.…?
Et probablement en route vers la frontière...?
https://thedefensepost.com/2018/11/30/u ... a-africom/

US carries out third airstrike against Al-Qaeda in Libya

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U.S. forces carried out an airstrike against al-Qaeda militants in Libya, Africa Command said on Friday, November 30.

“In coordination with the Libyan Government of National Accord (GNA), U.S. Africa Command conducted a precision airstrike near Al Uwaynat, Libya, November 29, 2018, killing eleven (11) al-Qa’ ida in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM) terrorists and destroying three (3) vehicles,” Africom said in a press release.

It is the third airstrike against al-Qaeda in Libya and the first since June. The June 13 strike killed a suspected militant approximately 50 miles (80 km) southeast of Bani Walid. The first strike, on March March 24, resulted in the death of Musa Abu Dawud, a high-ranking AQIM official, according to Africom.

“AFRICOM will use precision strikes to deny terrorists safe haven in Libya. We will keep pressure on their network, and they remain vulnerable wherever they are,” U.S. Africa Command director of operations Major General Gregg P. Olson said.

Photos of the strike and destroyed vehicles were first published on Thursday. According to Menastream, a research and risk consultancy, the airstrike targeted a AQIM convoy and individuals linked to Musa Abu Dawud, whose real name is Moussa Bourahla.
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Inscription : 27 mars 2012, 22:46
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Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par FULCRUM »

Je me demande d'ou sont venus ces avions et c'était quoi comme type?

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

FULCRUM a écrit :
03 décembre 2018, 16:15
Je me demande d'ou sont venus ces avions et c'était quoi comme type?
Akram as speculer des F-15; si on part de ce point....
....alors c etait un trajet tres longue, le 48th Fighter Wing, RAF Lakenheath, part of United States Air Forces in Europe - Air Forces Africa USAFE-AFAFRICA; Avec AVIANO-Airbase en Italie pour un pitstop ou Trapani ou Sigonella (Sizilie).

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

F15...ya baba? Même pas un drone? Une drone semble plus probable, compete tenue les circumstances (reaction time/les lieux/mode de detection etc)
Donc programme complet...ravitailleur, satellite etc.…surveillance de communication (telephone satellite)
Et probablement en route vers la frontière...? Probable
Tuareg tribesmen denounce AFRICOM airstrike in southwestern Libya, confirm victims were civilians
December 04, 2018 - 07:21 Posted in:
Written By: SafaAlharathy

Members of the Tuareg community gathered in Ubari town in southwestern Libya to condemn in the strongest terms the airstrike conducted by US Africa Command (AFRICOM) near Awaynat town last Thursday, which killed 11 people; AFRICOM claimed they were al-Qaeda militants.

The protesters accused AFRICOM of killing 11 innocent people under the pretext of terrorism and without any evidence substantiating their guilt, denouncing what they described the defamation and the media disinformation campaign against the martyrs of the "horrific Awaynat massacre," in reference to those killed in the airstrike.

Banners were raised against AFRICOM, accusing it of killing innocent people on charges of terrorism and rejecting the killing and exterminating of Tuareg "via phone calls".

The protesters called on the Attorney-General and the Interior Ministry to open an investigation into the attack to determine the facts and circumstances.

In a statement issued during the stand, the tribe members demanded in the name of the persons entitled to claim retaliation and in the name of Tuareg Tribe elders and dignitaries, the Presidential Council, the House of Representatives, and the High Council of State to open an impartial international and local investigation in what they called the "Awaynat massacre" in no more than 48 hours, warning to step up their protest if their demands were not met.

The also called on local and international human rights organizations to take a similar step.
Tuareg elders demanded AFRICOM to apologize and admit that the airstrike was wrong, holding the PC, Ghat Security Room, and Tassili Battalion responsible for the death of the innocent people killed in the incident.

The statement insisted that the victims included civilians and military personnel, among them, was a field commander in Al-Bunyan Al-Marsous, who fought terrorism in Sirte to offer his country security and stability.

"The motorcade that was bombed was on its way to rescue a group of Tuareg, near the Algerian border, who were encountering a smuggling gang attempting to smuggle heavy machinery to Algeria," the statement read.

AFRICOM confirmed earlier that it, in coordination with the UN-backed Government of National Accord (GNA), conducted a precision airstrike on November 29 against Qaeda militants, killing 11 people and destroying three vehicles, near the Awaynat area in southwestern Libya.

https://www.libyaobserver.ly/news/tuare ... -civilians

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

now protests in ben ghazi, against US air strike
Libyans protest against U.S. air strike in southern Libya

BENGHAZI, Libya (Reuters) - Dozens of Libyans protested on Tuesday against a U.S. air strike on suspected al Qaeda militants in the country’s southwestern desert, saying civilians had been targeted, witnesses said.

The U.S. Africa Command (Africom) on Thursday said it had killed 11 al Qaeda militants near the town of al Uwaynat in its third strike since March on the militant group’s North African branch - al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb (AQIM).

The strike close to the Algerian border, destroyed three vehicles, Africom had said in its statement last week, adding that at the time, they had assessed “no civilians were injured or killed”.

Members of the ethnic Tuareg tribe living in the area staged a protest on Tuesday, calling on the Tripoli-based government to launch an investigation into the strike.

The protesters, among them women and children, held up pamphlets saying “Africom attacked civilians”, and “Africom is killing our sons”, witnesses and participants told Reuters.

Jihadists linked to al Qaeda and Islamic State have sought refuge in Libya’s vast southern desert as the country struggles to restore stability seven years after the uprising that toppled Muammar Gaddafi.

Reporting by Ayman al-Warfalli, writing by Ulf Laessing, editing by G Crosse

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-liby ... SKBN1O4028

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

here actually a nice map, showing areas with their main ruling groups.
36 19 1 Share0 0 58 Donate

A local unit of the Petroleum Facilities Guards (PFG) and demonstrators have captured Libya’s largest oil field – al-Sharara oilfield. Libya’s National Oil Corporation (NOC) said the “disgraceful” move could cost the national economy $32.5 million daily but insisted production had not stopped despite the complicated security situation there. The situation on the ground remains unclear because conflicting statements and rumors appear on a constant basis.

However, it appears to be that local forces seized the field in order to demand the improvement of social services in the area, which is mostly abandoned by the Western-backed Libyan government that pretends that it controls the area.

Local Militia, Demonstrators Capture Libya's Largest Oil Field (Map Update)

https://southfront.org/local-militia-de ... ap-update/
Clearly, drone strikes in the core of Touareg held territories will have a back-fire locally and elsewhere...
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
Messages : 7618
Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par geronimo »

Libye: Pour le retour au pouvoir Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi fait appel à la Russie!
Le fils du feu dirigeant libyen, Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi, estime que pour résoudre la crise en Libye, il importe d’assurer le succès du dialogue sur la réconciliation nationale et d’organiser des élections transparentes, selon la chaîne de télévision Al-Arabiya. Il aurait appelé la Russie à cette démarche.

Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi, fils du dirigeant libyen déchu puis tué en 2011, a exhorté la Russie à soutenir le plan de règlement de la crise dans son pays, a annoncé jeudi la chaîne de télévision Al-Arabiya, se référant à un homme de son entourage.

Selon ce dernier, le fils de l’ancien chef libyen a présenté sa vision des moyens de résoudre la crise politique dans le pays.

«Elle se fonde sur deux points principaux: le succès du dialogue sur la réconciliation nationale qui doit réunir toutes les parties en confrontation sans exception et l’organisation d’élections transparentes», a indiqué la source.

Toujours d’après la chaîne, Saïf al-Islam Kadhafi soutient la feuille de route internationale de règlement politique proposée par l’émissaire spécial de l’Onu pour la Libye, Ghassan Salamé.

Le fils de Mouammar Kadhafi n’est pas apparu en public depuis sa libération de prison dans la ville libyenne de Zentan, en juin 2017, dans le cadre de l’amnistie générale décrétée par le parlement libyen.

L’instabilité règne en Libye depuis la chute de Mouammar Kadhafi, en 2011, chassé du pouvoir par une insurrection soutenue par une coalition militaire internationale à l’initiative de la France et appuyée par l’Otan. Depuis, le pays est partagé entre deux centres de pouvoir, situés à Tripoli et à Tobrouk. L’absence de pouvoir central a transformé le pays en plaque tournante de la contrebande et du transit des migrants entre l’Afrique et l’Europe.

Source : Sputniknews
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

Militia leader's bravado shows limits of Libya reforms
Aidan Lewis, Ulf Laessing

TRIPOLI (Reuters) - For the United Nations, it was a chance to clip the wings of powerful armed groups who had held the levers of power in the Libyan capital for years.

Salah Badi, head of Al Somoud Brigade, speaks during an interview with Reuters, in Misrata, Libya November 26, 2018. REUTERS/Ayman al-Sahili
The militia were on the back foot after suffering losses to rival factions in the latest convulsion of violence to shake Tripoli; the UN brokered a ceasefire in September, then encouraged the government to start replacing the militia with regular police.

Before they got far, Haithem Tajouri, a powerful militia leader who had left the country two months before, returned with a flourish.

The head of the Tripoli Revolutionaries Brigade (TRB) toured the city center with his entourage, stopping their vehicles outside banks which unexpectedly extended their opening hours, allowing cash-starved residents to withdraw money.

“Do you want cash?” Tajouri shouted to women queuing at one bank, an eyewitness said, declining to be named for security reasons.

Tripoli residents posted messages on social media saying Tajouri had arranged the extra access, causing more people to flock to the banks.

Last month, TRB forces patrolling central Tripoli showed Reuters the spot behind the central bank where they said they had driven black market money traders away several times over recent weeks, another crowd-pleasing move.

Tajouri may have acted partly to shore up his own position after his absence and the subsequent killings of commanders affiliated with him sparked speculation his forces were fragmenting.

But his actions also demonstrated the power accumulated by men whose armed followers dominate the city of three million, blocking efforts to end Libya’s post-revolution turmoil.

Curbing the militias is crucial to plans, guided by the United Nations, to stabilize the oil-rich North African state nearly eight years after an uprising against Muammar Gaddafi, backed by NATO, splintered the country.

Their presence has also complicated plans for elections, initially planned for Dec. 10 and now postponed to next year.

Fighting broke out in August when some militias based outside Tripoli attacked the TRB and three other large groups with strongholds in the capital, angered by their dominance over public money and state contracts.

Since September a ceasefire has been largely observed, with the United Nations and the weak Government of National Accord (GNA) trying to secure a lasting truce.

As part of this, authorities say militias have begun a gradual retreat from strategic sites in Tripoli including banks and ministries. A new interior minister, Fathi Bashagha, has made high-level changes.

The militias are supposed eventually to be integrated into security forces or demobilized, as police take control of two inner rings in Tripoli and military units secure the outskirts, according to three people briefed on the arrangements.

Western countries had previously tried building up an army and police, but largely gave up when the country split between rival governments in 2014.

Under a U.N. deal that bought a new government to Tripoli in 2016, a handful of armed groups entrenched their power, hampering efforts to reunite rival governments and factions in Tripoli and the east.

Some analysts and diplomats say the current U.N.-backed security plan has more chance of succeeding than in the past, arguing that militia leaders are seeking to protect their earnings from a new threat, sanctions.

This year the U.N. Security Council and the U.S. Treasury have issued asset freezes and travel bans against six alleged migrant smugglers, a former oil port blockader and, last month, Salah Badi, a militia leader from the military and business stronghold of Misrata.

But the depth of militia influence meant it was unclear if the GNA had the will to enact change, or could find recruits for a professional force and employment for those who demobilize, a Western diplomat said.

“A lot of militia leaders are suing for peace because they want to keep their ill-gotten gains,” he said. “The problem is that there are no jobs (for their followers).”

Some residents see the new arrangements as largely cosmetic, with guards changing uniforms while staying loyal to militia commanders.

U.N. Libya envoy Ghassan Salame told Reuters in a statement that “key appointments have been made and brave decisions have been taken” since the ceasefire.

But, he added, “like most Libyans, we feel frustrated with the GNA for their very slow implementation of the arrangements”.

For now, key armed group leaders remain in the foreground.

Tajouri, known for his fashion sense and white G Class Mercedes, was widely seen as more powerful than the prime minister before his absence during recent fighting raised questions over his standing.

His return from the Gulf in a private jet, dressed in blue Emirati robes, triggered speculation that he was aligning himself with the United Arab Emirates, one of the major external players in Libya’s conflict.

A report by a U.N. panel of experts last year documented what it said was UAE support for Khalifa Haftar, a veteran commander who controls eastern Libya and has long pledged to “liberate” Tripoli by forging alliances in the west. The panel said its requests for information from the UAE had received no response.

Reuters asked the UAE’s foreign ministry and media council whether the country supported Haftar and Tajouri and saw an alliance between them as a way to stabilize Libya: officials were not immediately available for comment.

Rada, another major group with a base at Tripoli’s only functioning airport, is led by Salafist Abdulraouf Kara, who has links to a network of brigades beyond the capital aligned with the ultraconservative religious ideology.

Tajouri and Kara, neither of whom agreed to an interview, hold high-value prisoners including ex-Gaddafi figures. Their fortunes have roused the envy of groups outside Tripoli.

Some come from Misrata, home to a mix of moderates and radical groups; the latter have been trying to regain lost influence in Tripoli.

Badi, under U.S. and U.N. sanctions for his Al Somoud brigade’s attacks on Tripoli, said the international community had helped install militias that mixed the “tyranny” of the Gaddafi era with Salafist ideology from Saudi Arabia.

Kara and other “quietist” Salafists, including some who have fought for Haftar, tend to respect the authority in power
. By contrast, Badi and other Islamist-leaning figures cast themselves as militant defenders of the revolution.

“Their (armed group) leaders protected the government and now control it. They rob the government,” Badi told Reuters.

Misrata moderates view Badi as a marginalized figure discredited by the assaults on Tripoli. But experts say officials need to engage with a wide range of actors.

“If there is not sufficient outreach to armed groups outside Tripoli to get their buy-in, the new security arrangements risk exacerbating existing tensions,” said Juan Garrigues of DAG, an independent group that works on dialogue in western Libya.

With elections pushed back, the international community is pinning its hopes on a national conference planned by the U.N. for early 2019 that would hash out the basis of a settlement.

Until then “the danger is that you’re merely shifting the deckchairs on the Titanic”, as the underlying situation for most Libyans continues to deteriorate, said the diplomatic source.

Despite plans for an audit of central bank spending, there was still a “total lack of transparency” in the way rising oil revenues are spent, he said.

Militias have penetrated financial institutions, analysts say.

Libya’s sovereign wealth fund was forced to recruit staff from Nawasi, one of the main Tripoli groups, and a TRB faction tried to gain influence over the state oil firm NOC, according to a report by the U.N. panel of experts on Libya.

Deputy Prime Minister Ahmed Maiteeg told Reuters this trend would be reversed as a currency devaluation and increased access to foreign currency deprive militias of key sources of revenue – extortion rackets at banks they control and privileged access to dollars resold at huge profits on the black market.

There was more communication with the armed groups, he said.

“We see some improvement, but not as much as expected ... that’s why from time to time we see some pressure on Tripoli — that militia will not hand over very easily.”

Writing by Aidan Lewis; editing by Philippa Fletcher

Our Standards:The Thomson Reuters Trust Principles.
https://www.reuters.com/article/us-liby ... SKBN1OC0GN

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

Possible war approaches Sirte and central Libya
Libyan Express |Saturday 15 December 2018Print

On Friday night, local media outlets and local sources from central Libya reported advances of military formations of brigades related to Khalifa Haftar’s self-styled army toward southwestern Sirte towns.

Brigade 106 and Brigade of Tariq Bin Ziyad, which is known to be linked to Salafist-Madkhalist ideology of Saudi Arabia, were reported as advancing on Wadi Al-Hamar, Wadi Abu Najim, Wadi Al-Lood and other areas outside Sirte and close to the central region – especially Misrata.

The former spokesman for the Operation Al-Bunyan Al-Masrous that defeated ISIS in Sirte Mohammed Al-Ghasri told local news outlets in Libya that they had told the advancing forces to leave the central region and the outskirts of Sirte, “and they left.”

In the meantime, eyewitnesses in Misurata reported Saturday afternoon a number of warplanes hovering over the city.

According to analysts, the movement of Haftar-loyal forces toward Sirte and the central region hints at a new conflict that could add another nail to the Libyan coffin and thus start a new war that could very well spill over to Tripoli.
https://www.libyanexpress.com/possible- ... ral-libya/

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

Suicide attack on Lybia’s Foreign Ministry kills three

Posted on December 26, 2018
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Fighters have stormed Libya’s foreign ministry in the capital, Tripoli, killing at least three people, including a senior civil servant, the authorities said.

Ten other people were wounded in what officials said was a suicide attack carried out by “terrorists” on Tuesday.

A car bomb exploded near the ministry, prompting security forces to rush to the scene.

A suicide bomber then blew himself up on the second floor of the building while a second attacker died when the suitcase he was carrying exploded, according to Tarak al-Dawass, spokesperson for the special forces.

A third assailant, who was unarmed and wearing a bulletproof vest, was killed by security forces outside, added Dawass, who accused the Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant (ISIL, also known as ISIS) group of being responsible.

Early on Wednesday, ISIL claimed responsibility for the attack via its Amaq website.

Plumes of smoke were seen rising from the building as ambulances, paramedics and security forces gathered outside.

Security forces cordoned off the area and took control of all the buildings around the foreign ministry headquarters, Al Jazeera’s Mahmoud Abdelwahed, reporting from Tripoli, said.

All individuals and employees have been ordered to evacuate the buildings immediately, he added.

Abdelwahed said a security official was killed in the attack, while security sources said a civil servant who headed a department in the foreign ministry was also among the victims.

Meanwhile, a source from Tripoli Revolutionaries Brigade, one of the strongest armed groups in the capital, told Reuters news agency that their spokesperson, Abdulrahman Mazoughi, died in the attack.

https://www.atinkaonline.com/fm/suicide ... lls-three/

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

Mass grave of 34 Christians killed by Islamic State found in Libya
Wed 02 Jan 2019

By Eno Adeogun
A mass grave of 34 Ethiopian Christians executed by Islamic State militants has been discovered in Libya.

The grave located on a farm near the coastal city of Sirte was found on 23 December by Libyan government authorities.

The Libyan interior ministry has confirmed the bodies discovered have been exhumed and will be repatriated to Ethiopia.

The terrorist organisation gained control of the city in 2015, but lost control again thanks to United Nations-backed forces a year later.

However Islamic State and other terrorist groups still retain control of parts of the North African country.

According to the Libyan Express newspaper, a propaganda video shared on social media in 2015 showed Islamic State members shooting and beheading Ethiopian Christians on a beach.

Islamic State

The incident occurred just months after the decapitated bodies of 21 Egyptian Coptic Christians killed by Islamic State militants were found in a mass grave in Libya.

Hundreds of Coptic Christians started fleeing Libya in the face of these attacks from Islamic State in 2015.

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Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Séparatisme et tensions tribales en Libye

Message par malikos »

and another suicide attack...
2019’s first suicide bomber strikes in Libya
January 1, 2019 at 12:51 pm | Published in: Africa, Libya, News
Flag of Libya [File photo]Flag of Libya [File photo]
January 1, 2019 at 12:51 pm
A suicide bomber blew himself up outside a police station in Libya’s southwestern town of Ghadwa, a local security source said Tuesday.

The source, who spoke to Anadolu Agency on condition of anonymity, said the blast had not left any casualties except for the bomber himself.

Ghadwa is located roughly 60 kilometers south of the city of Sabha in Libya’s southeastern Fezzan region.

Notably, the bombing comes only days after forces loyal to military commander Khalifa Haftar, which currently control much of eastern Libya, released 12 members of the Daesh terrorist group near Ghadwa.https://www.middleeastmonitor.com/20190 ... -in-libya/

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