Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Afrique du Sud , Nigeria , Djibouti, Angola , Érythrée , Kenya , Éthiopie, Ouganda ..
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par sadral »

The Nigerian Navy contracted a Chinese company to modernize its main shipyard

The Nigeria Navy (NN) has contracted the China Shipbuilding and Offshore International Company (CSOC) to upgrade its naval dockyard into at Port Harcourt into a world-class factory that will build offshore patrol vessels (OPVs) and carry out maintenance on vessels.
The Chinese company, which won a contract to build two 95 metre P18N OPVs for the Nigerian Navy in 2009, is scaling up the facilities to enable it to do the remaining construction works on the vessels locally in Port Harcourt. Nigerian Navy chief of Policy and Plans Rear Admiral Emmanuel Ogbor said the upgrading of the shipyard is part of the navy's drive to develop a local ship-building capability and an industrial base capable of maintaining the country's naval vessels.
Localising building of naval vessels in Nigeria will make more naval ships available for patrol and protection of critical offshore infrastructure in Nigeria's maritime domain for the benefit of all,” Ogbor said.
CSOC representative Xu Qui said the first phase of the project will entail construction of a new jetty and other facilities for the repairing of ships up to 5 000 dead-weight tons (dwt). The second phase will focus on the construction of a new dry dock and auxiliary facilities with a capacity to build and repair offshore patrol vessels and 5 000 dwt ships. The third and final phase will see the setting up of a fully modern shipyard capable of building and repairing offshore patrol vessels, offshore platformss and seafaring vessels of up to 10 000 dwt.
According to Jane’s Defence Weekly, the first Chinese-built OPV is being built at the Wuchang shipyard in Wuhan and is expected to be delivered to Nigeria in mid-2014. The second vessel is also set to arrive in Nigeria in 2014, and will be completed either later next year or in early 2015.
According to Jane’s, the NN dockyard has already produced a 31metre long Seaward Defence Boat (SDB) and is using the experience gained to build a larger, 38-metre long SDB and a 16.56 m, 92 ton naval tug. The dockyard previously built a 90-passenger naval ferry (Sauka Lafiya) in 2009.
International interest in Nigerian ship-building has grown of late with Singapore-based Suncraft International offering the NN two low-cost ship designs - one for a 60 metre long vessel with a helicopter pad and the other for a 90 metre long vessel which has an integral hangar.
Suncraft has delivered at least a dozen 17 metre Manta and two 38 metre patrol craft to the Nigerian Navy, which will soon receive two Ocea FPB 98 patrol craft.
Many of the Nigerian Navy’s vessels are in poor condition due to lack of maintenance, but the Navy is embarking on a highly ambitious expansion programme that aims to acquire 49 naval vessels and 42 helicopters over the next decade. A number of vessels have been delivered over the last several years, such as the ex-US Coast Guard Hamilton class cutter NNS Thunder, and dozens of inshore patrol vessels. The Nigerian Navy will receive two more ex-United States vessels in 2014/15, the US Navy Survey Ship John McDonnell and the US Coast Guard Cutter Gallatin.
« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.
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Amine Ind
Aqid (عقيد)
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Inscription : 28 septembre 2012, 13:44
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par Amine Ind »

Nigeria interested in buying Super Tucanos

The Nigerian Air Force is considering buying Super Tucano trainer and light attack aircraft from Brazilian manufacturer Embraer.

Nigerian Vice President Namadi Sambo expressed interest in purchasing the Super Tucano during a meeting with his Brazilian counterpart Michel Temer earlier this week.

Sambo and Temer held talks on bilateral relations between Nigeria and Brazil, and announced the creation of working groups on security and defence, amongst other areas, reports Xinhua. An agreement on intelligence sharing, particularly regarding drug-related crimes, will be signed soon. The two parties also discussed the possibility of repatriating 377 Nigerian prisoners in Brazil.

Brazil and Nigeria also discussed other possibilities for cooperation in fields such as trade, agriculture, mining, culture and energy. Trade between Nigeria and Brazil has grown from $1.6 billion in 2002 to $9.1 billion last year, Temer said.

Brazil and Nigeria have enjoyed warm defence relations – for example, in September 2012 the Brazilian Navy offshore patrol vessel (OPV) Amazonas (P120) visited Nigeria and conducted training with Nigerian personnel and vessels. Earlier this year Brazil’s new OPV Araguari (P122) visited Nigeria on its way home from the United Kingdom. Apart from Nigeria, it also visited Cape Verde, Cameroon, Sao Tome and Principe and Equatorial Guinea.

Nigeria has a strong requirement for an aircraft like the Super Tucano as it battles the domestic Boko Haram insurgency and also deploys combat aircraft to foreign countries on peacekeeping operations. The country is expected to vastly increase its defence spending over the coming years, and according to a recent Strategic Defence Intelligence report, the Nigerian defence market will go from $2.3 billion this year to $4.4 billion by 2018.

Piracy and oil smuggling in the Gulf of Guinea and a contribution to peacekeeping operations are expected to drive the country's military expenditure to register a growth rate of 13.62% over the next five years. The domestic Boko Haram insurgency is also expected to drive Nigeria’s security needs. The country’s growth in military expenditure will be assisted by the country's stable economic growth over the forecast period, which will a see rise in defence expenditure as a percentage of GDP from 0.8% in 2013 to 1.1% in 2018, according to the report.

“The growing threat from Boko Haram and other extremist groups in northeastern states, and drug trafficking are expected to drive the Nigerian government's investments in homeland security over the forecast period. Police modernization and homeland security infrastructure developments are expected to be primary areas for investment by the government,” the report noted.

Nigeria can be expected to buy military hardware such as naval helicopters, fighters, patrol vessels, and armoured personnel carriers over the next five years, mainly from foreign suppliers.

African Super Tucanos

Embraer has recorded a number of orders for its Super Tucano from African countries, which see it as a low cost light attack aircraft that can also be used as a trainer. On the continent, the Super Tucano has been ordered by Angola, Burkina Faso, Mauritania and Senegal. Embraer is highly optimistic about future orders for the type from Africa.

Angola officially received its first three of six Super Tucanos in July this year and is using them for border surveillance, attack and pilot training. Burkina Faso was the first African country to take delivery of a Super Tucano, receiving three aircraft in September 2011 for border patrol missions. In October last year Mauritania received their first aircraft, featuring sensor turrets for surveillance duties, although they will also be used for counter-insurgency missions.

In April Senegal bought three A-29 Super Tucanos as well as a training system for pilots and mechanics. It will use the aircraft for border surveillance and internal security duties.

Over a dozen global customers have purchased the A-29 Super Tucano. The fleet has surpassed 180 000 flight hours and 28 000 combat hours, according to Embraer.

The A-29 Super Tucano is capable of performing a broad range of missions that include light attack, aerial surveillance and interception, and counter-insurgency.

The Super Tucano is equipped with a variety of sensors and equipment, including an electo-optical/infrared system with laser designator, night vision goggles, secure communications and data-link package.

Armament comprises one .50-caliber machinegun in each wing. Five hardpoints can carry a maximum external load of 1 550 kilograms (3 420 lb). Weapons options include gun pods, bombs, rocket pods, and (on the two outboard stations) air-to-air missiles. ... Itemid=107

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par AAF 2020 »

La Russie vend 12 hélicoptères au Nigéria

La Russie livrera six hélicoptères Mi-17 et six hélicoptères Mi-35 au Nigéria, a annoncé vendredi à Pretoria Sergueï Goreslavski, directeur général adjoint de l'Agence russe d'exportation d'armements (Rosoboronexport).
"En août dernier, nous avons signé un contrat important avec le Nigéria sur la livraison d'hélicoptères Mi-35 et Mi-17. Le contrat porte sur 12 appareils, six de chaque type", a indiqué M.Goreslavski lors du salon international de la défense Africa Aerospace and Defence 2014 qui se déroule en Afrique du Sud.
elon lui, le premier lot d'hélicoptères arrivera au Nigéria dans un an.
M.Goreslavski n'a pas précisé le montant du contrat.

Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 17 janvier 2013, 17:26

Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par tayeb »

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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par dil@w »

la version VIP du AW-101 destiné au Nigeria a fait son premier vol en septembre.
AgustaWestland on 19 September performed the maiden flight of the first of two VIP transport-roled AW101 helicopters for the Nigerian air force from its Yeovil manufacturing facility in Somerset.

Previously allocated to India as part of the nation's now-cancelled order for 12 of the 15t-class rotorcraft, the helicopter will eventually bear the registration NAF280.
Nigeria has also recently signed a deal with Russian Helicopters covering the acquisition of an unspecified number of Mil Mi-35 attack helicopters and Mi-171 transports. The deal follows the nation's previous introduction of second-hand examples of both Russian-produced types, in the Mi-24 and Mi-8 standards.

Local media reports have not included details on the precise number of new aircraft covered by the contract, but have referred to “a substantial amount”.
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par sadral »

Le Nigeria pourrait acquérir le Scorpion


Le Nigeria envisage d’acquérir l’avion d’attaque léger et d’ISR (Intelligence, Surveillance, Reconnaissance) Scorpion de Textron pour lutter contre les militants islamistes opérant sur son territoire, a indiqué un responsable de la force aérienne le 18 novembre.
Parlant sous la règle de Chatham House à la conférence International Fighter organisé par l’IQPC du 18 au 20 novembre à Londres, un officier de la Nigerian Air Force (NAF) a déclaré que le Scorpion était parfaitement adapté à la lutte actuelle de son pays contre la secte Islamique Boko Aram.

« Actuellement, la Force aérienne du Nigeria possède un équipement obsolète et peu opérationnel » a t-il expliqué. « L’armée de l’air a besoin d’une capacité de réaction rapide, avec une frappe de précision et une puissance de feu. Dans notre pays, nous voulons le Scorpion car nous en avons besoin. » a t-il ajouté précisant que la NAF transmettra sa demande au gouvernement prochainement dans l’espoir d’acquérir un escadron complet.

La NAF possède actuellement une capacité offensive de contre-insurrection très limitée basée sur 11 chasseurs chinois CAC F-7 ainsi que 21 Aero L-39ZA Albatros, 12 Alenia MB-339, et 12 Alpha Jet d’entraînement. Le Nigeria possède aussi sept hélicoptères d’assaut Mil Mi-24 Hind. À l’exception des F-7 acquis en 2010, la flotte de combat de la NAF date des années 1980 et doit être remplacée.

Inauguré en septembre 2013, l’avion biplace et biréacteur Scorpion affiche une vitesse de pointe de 450 nœuds, une charge interne (munitions, capteurs) de 1360 kg, et une charge externe de 2766 kg pour les munitions sur ses points d’emport sous voilure. Selon Textron, le Scorpion est adapté à plusieurs missions comme la contre-insurrection, la patrouille frontalière, la surveillance maritime, la lutte contre les stupéfiants, et la défense aérienne.

Cette capacité multirôle du Scorpion a retenu l’intérêt de la NAF mais aussi son prix unitaire inférieur à 20 millions de dollars et son coût d’exploitation horaire de 3000 dollars (source: Textron). Cet avion de combat « low-cost » est d’autant plus apprécié que les dépenses militaires du Nigeria ont fortement chuté en 2014, ce qui limite le processus de renouvellement de la flotte de la NAF.

En avril 2014, le Air Marshal Adesola Amosu, avait déclaré lors d’une conférence de presse que la NAF avait déjà choisi un nouvel avion de combat, le Hongdu K-8 développé par la Chine et le Pakistan, qui était considéré comme favoris sachant que le Nigeria avait déjà acheté des F-7NI. Le Scorpion semble avoir balayé cette option.

* Quand une réunion, ou l’une de ses parties, se déroule sous la règle de Chatham House, les participants sont libres d’utiliser les informations collectées à cette occasion, mais ils ne doivent révéler ni l’identité, ni l’affiliation des personnes à l’origine de ces informations, de même qu’ils ne doivent pas révéler l’identité des autres participants.
« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 17 janvier 2013, 17:26

Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par tayeb »

Dernière modification par tayeb le 23 novembre 2014, 16:15, modifié 2 fois.
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par anzar »

Pareil que pour l'autre topic faut donner le site d'origine ou héberger les photos ailleurs ;)

Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 17 janvier 2013, 17:26

Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par tayeb »


Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 17 janvier 2013, 17:26

Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par tayeb »


Henri K.
Capitaine (AdA-France)
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Re: Armée Chinoise

Message par Henri K. »

La Nigéria pourrait acquérir 1 à 2 escadrons de FC-1 chinois. En parallèle, 10 pays sont en discussion avancée.

IDEAS 2014: Nigeria 'close to signing up' for JF-17
Farhan Bokhari, Karachi - IHS Jane's Defence Weekly
02 December 2014

The Nigerian Air Force (NAF) is close to finalising an order for the purchase of one or two squadrons of the JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft co-produced by Pakistan and China, a senior Pakistani Ministry of Defence official told IHS Jane's on 2 December.

Speaking at the International Defence Exhibition and Seminar (IDEAS) 2014 in Karachi, the official said the NAF finalised its recommendation for the purchase of 25-40 JF-17s after NAF chief air marshal Adesola Nunayon Amosu visited Pakistan in October. AM Amosu's engagements in Pakistan included a visit to the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) at Kamra, north of Islamabad, where the JF-17 is manufactured.

So far, the PAC has produced 50 Block 1 JF-17s and began work on another 50 Block 2 variants in late 2013. Pakistan Air Force (PAF) officials have told IHS Jane's that a Block 3 variant is being planned. While the JF-17 has PAF capability plans, it has so far failed to find an export customer.

PAF officials have described the JF-17 Block 3 as a fourth-generation-plus fighter, a term that is used to describe Western aircraft such as Lockheed Martin F-16 Block 60s, the Saab Gripen, Eurofighter Typhoon, and Dassault Rafale, among others.

Western officials have previously said that a first successful export of the JF-17 holds the key for the programme's long-term sustainment. Potential export customers mentioned as likely candidates for the JF-17 have included Egypt, Nigeria, Myanmar, and Venezuela.

Senior PAF officials have promoted the JF-17 as costing much less than comparable fighters produced by Western manufacturers. However, prospective customers are likely to consider established manufacturers ahead of PAC, which is a relative newcomer to the international market.



Henri K.
Actualités militaires de la Chine :
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Amine Ind
Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Inscription : 28 septembre 2012, 13:44
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par Amine Ind »

Nigeria buying JF-17 Thunder fighter aircraft from Pakistan ... m-pakistan
Does the JF-17 Finally Have Buyers? ... ve-buyers/
DEAS 2014: Nigeria 'close to signing up' for JF-17 ... -for-jf-17
Dernière modification par anzar le 06 décembre 2014, 13:04, modifié 1 fois.
Raison : Police des titres en "size=150"
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par anzar »

Amine évite de mettre les titres en "200" un "150" est amplement suffisant :!:

Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Inscription : 17 janvier 2013, 17:26

Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par tayeb »

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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Inscription : 21 mars 2012, 11:50
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Re: Armée Nigériane [Nigeria]

Message par anzar »

La seconde photo n'est pas celle de Mi-35 nigerians, à moins que eux aussi aient des SuperHind MKIII :?:

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