Armée Afghane

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Topic author
Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
Messages : 3343
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
Localisation : Forcesdz

Armée Afghane

Message par Youma »

An Afghan National Army commando from 6th Commando Kandak provides security during a firefight in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.
An Afghan National Army commando from 6th Commando Kandak fires his M4 carbine at insurgents during a firefight in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.
An from 6th Commando Kandak provides security during a clearing operation to find insurgent weapons caches in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.
An Afghan National Army commando from 6th Commando Kandak provides overwatch security during a firefight in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.
Afghan National Army commandos from 6th Commando Kandak provide security during a firefight in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.
An Afghan National Army commando from 6th Commando Kandak fires a smoke grenade to mark an insurgent position during a firefight in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region
Afghan National Army commandos from 6th Commando Kandak maneuver under fire during a clearing operation to find insurgent weapons caches in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.
An Afghan National Army commando from 6th Commando Kandak returns fire after being fired upon during a clearing operation to find weapons caches in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.
Afghan National Army commandos from 6th Commando Kandak take cover from insurgent small arms fire during a clearing operation to find weapons caches in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.
Afghan National Army commandos from 6th Commando Kandak head out on patrol during a clearing operation to find insurgent weapons caches in Gelan district, Ghazni province, Afghanistan, March 22. The ANA commandos conduct counterinsurgency operations throughout Afghanistan to provide stability in the region.

Topic author
Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
Messages : 3343
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
Localisation : Forcesdz

Re: Armée afghane

Message par Youma »

A soldier walks along a grape row in Sperwan during operations, April 1, 2012. The 1st Brigade, 205th Afghan National Army Corps planned, coordinated, and conducted ISAF-independent operations across southern Kandahar province with emphasis on the former Taliban home of Panjwa’i. Afghan leaders took the opportunity to engage the local residents and address quality of life issues
A Soldier scans the horizon for enemy forces during operations in Sperwan, April 1, 2012. The 1st Brigade, 205th Afghan National Army Corps planned, coordinated, and conducted ISAF-independent operations across southern Kandahar province with emphasis on the former Taliban home of Panjwa’i. Afghan leaders took the opportunity to engage the local residents and address quality of life issues.
A soldier with 1st Brigade, 205th Afghan National Army Corps, pulls security near the village of Sperwan, April 1, 2012. The 1/205th planned, coordinated, and conducted ISAF-independent operations across southern Kandahar province with emphasis on the former Taliban home of Panjwa’i. With little presence or resistance from insurgent forces, Afghan leaders took the opportunity to engage the local residents and address quality of life issues.
A soldier with 1st Brigade, 205th Afghan National Army Corps, pulls security near the village of Sperwan, Apr. 01, 2012. The 1/205th planned, coordinated, and conducted ISAF-independent operations across Southern Kandahar province with emphasis on the former Taliban home of Panjwa’i. Afghan leaders took the opportunity to engage the local residents and address quality of life issues.
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Lt-Colonel (AdA-France)
Lt-Colonel (AdA-France)
Messages : 609
Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 16:51

Re: Armée afghane

Message par pierrot1771 »

Reception de nouveaux 4X4 destinés à l'armée de terre.

Signez SVP, c'est pour la bonne cause ... g/?cdBaxbb

"On ne peut pas dire la vérité à la télévision... Il y a trop de monde qui regarde." Coluche.

Topic author
Banni Définitivement
Banni Définitivement
Messages : 3343
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 19:24
Localisation : Forcesdz

Re: Armée Afghane

Message par Youma »

Afghan special forces stand in formation during their graduation ceremony at a military training center on outskirts of Kabul, Afghanistan, Thursday, April 5, 2012. The process of taking over security from around 100,000 NATO-led ISAF forces by Afghan troops should be completed by the end of 2014, when Afghanistan army will take over the full leadership of its own security duties from U.S. and NATO forces.
Dernière modification par Youma le 02 juin 2012, 19:49, modifié 1 fois.
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
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Inscription : 20 mars 2012, 13:03
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Re: Armée Afghane

Message par scorpion-rouge35 »

Mil Mi-17





Mil Mi-8


Aero L-39C Albatros


Antonov An-26


Antonov An-26B



Antonov An-32





AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
Messages : 22234
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Armée Afghane

Message par AAF 2020 »

les nouveaux hélicos afghans Mil-17V-5 à KAZAN

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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
Messages : 2706
Inscription : 27 mars 2012, 15:57
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Re: Armée Afghane

Message par l'adjudant/chef »

parachutiste afghans



c'est pas l'arme qui tue mais l'être humaine qui tir sur la gâchette



AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
Messages : 22234
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
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Re: Armée Afghane

Message par AAF 2020 »

Russia to Sign Afghan Mi-17 Option by Year-End
A delivery schedule for an option order of Mil Mi-17 transport helicopters for the Afghanistan Armed Forces will be signed by Russia and the U.S. by the end of the year, Russia's defense exports holding Rosoboronexport said on Thursday.
Rosoboronexport signed a $367.5 milliondeal with the United States in May 2011 for delivery of 21 Mi-17V5s, which the U.S. will transfer to Afghanistan. According to U.S. data, the deal could be worth up to $900 million including spares and servicing.
The contract also includes an option for delivery of a further 12 Mi-17s.
"In February this year, we signed an additional protocol for delivery of two helicopters as part of the option deal, and we plan to deliver ten more by the end of this year," said Rosoboronexport's head of helicopter exports, Grigory Kozlov.
Rosoboronexport is counting on further development of military-technical cooperation with the United States, including with regard to sales to third nations, he said.

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
Messages : 22234
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
Been thanked : 7 times

Re: Armée Afghane

Message par AAF 2020 »

Russia Refuses to Allocate $10 mln to Afghan Army
Russian presidential envoy to Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov
Russia has denied a NATO request to allocate $10 million for the support of the Afghan Army, the Russian presidential envoy to Afghanistan, Zamir Kabulov, said on Thursday following the alliance’s summit in Chicago.
“At the summit…, it was stated that after 2014 (when international military forces withdraw from Afghanistan) support for the Afghan Army should continue,” said Kabulov, who also heads the Russian Foreign Ministry’s department on Afghanistan.
“For the United States it has already become difficult to bear this burden, they want to share it with NATO partners,” Kabulov continued. “They also hinted that it would be good if Russia allocated $10 million.”
He said Russia would not participate in NATO’s Afghanistan initiatives. “For several years we had been knocking on the door of the ISAF suppliers club. But this door was reluctant to open. Now they invited us and started hinting…In response we noted that we’ve long been rendering aid to Afghanistan,” the Kommersant daily quoted Kabulov as saying.
Russia had been reluctant to accept an invitation from NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen to join the summit, which focused on the situation in Afghanistan, as well as on the alliance’s European missile defense plans.
Relations between NATO and Moscow have grown sour lately over the missile shield issue, but the sides have cooperated closely in the war in Afghanistan, which has been the main source of heroin flowing into Russia through its porous borders with former Soviet Central Asian republics.
Russia has allowed NATO to transit cargos to and from Afghanistan through its territory, and its continued support is crucial for the U.S.-led coalition fighting the Taliban as foreign troops are set to leave the country in 2014.
Moscow is preparing to allow the United States to use an airport in Ulyanovsk, the birthplace of Russian revolutionary Vladimir Lenin, to transit non-lethal cargo to and from Afghanistan.
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Afghane

Message par dil@w »

"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
Peace Through Superior Firepower
The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by FORCE !
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 11:24
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Re: Armée Afghane

Message par dil@w »

L’équipement de l’armée de l’air afghane au centre d’une controverse entre la Brésil et les Etats-Unis

Super Tucano Image
AT-6 Texan II Image
En 2014, l’armée de l’air afghane devra voler de ses propres ailes ! Si des pilotes afghans sont déjà formés depuis quelques années au sein d’une Académie de l’air de Kaboul parrainée par l’Otan (la National Military Academy of Afghanistan), les autorités afghanes attendent toujours que leur soient livrés des avions d’attaque légers capables d’appuyer les soldats afghans en cas de combats au sol. Problème : les deux constructeurs potentiels se livrent depuis des mois une bataille juridique et technique qui ne se terminera pas avant janvier 2013... ... etats-unis

pour ceux qui ne peuvent écouter le fichier audio allant avec l'article voici un résumé de votre serviteur (moi :tongue: ):

le gouvernement afghan s’inquiète de la lenteur du développement de sa force aérienne avec le programme LAS (Light Air Support), l'USAir Force devant sélectionner un avion de lutte anti-guérilla et au Pentagon d'en livrer 20 aux afghans. Décembre 2011 le Super Tucano d'Embraer est sélectionné au detriment du AT-6 Texan II de Hawker-Beechcraft qui proteste. L'appel d'offre est finalement relancé mais entre-temps Hawker-Beechcraft a déposé le bilan et est placée sous protection de la loi sur les faillites. Du point de vue d'Embraer les spécifications techniques n'ayant pas changé le Super Tucano devrait logiquement de nouveau l'emporter. Seule la manière d'attribuer les points lors des tests en en attribuant plus à la partie anti-guérilla. Ce programme de 380 millions $ est important pour Embraer mais vital pour Hawker-Beechcraft en faillite, les afghans dans tout ça ne verront pas leurs avions avant le deuxième semestre 2014 au plutôt :evil:
"It's better to stand and fight. If you run away, you'll only die tired"
Peace Through Superior Firepower
The whole world must learn of our peaceful ways, by FORCE !

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
Messages : 22234
Inscription : 30 mars 2012, 16:23
Been thanked : 7 times

Re: Armée Afghane

Message par AAF 2020 »

La Russie prête à livrer 10 hélicoptères pour l'Afghanistan
L'agence russe d'exportation d'armements Rosoboronexport examine la possibilité de fournir aux Etats-Unis un lot supplémentaire de dix hélicoptères de type Mi-17V5 pour l'Afghanistan, a déclaré jeudi le porte-parole du groupe Viatcheslav Davidenko.
"A présent, Rosoboronexport examine la possibilité de livrer un lot supplémentaire au Pentagone. Il s'agit de dix hélicoptères", a-t-il précisé.
En 2011, le Pentagone et Rosoboronexport ont conclu un contrat portant sur la fourniture de 21 hélicoptères Mi-17V5 à l'armée afghane pour un montant total de 367,5 millions de dollars. Le contrat doit être définitivement exécuté d'ici juillet prochain.
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Fariq (فريق)
Fariq (فريق)
Messages : 2706
Inscription : 27 mars 2012, 15:57
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Re: Armée Afghane

Message par l'adjudant/chef »

c'est pas l'arme qui tue mais l'être humaine qui tir sur la gâchette


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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
Messages : 7618
Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Afghane

Message par geronimo »

En voyant les images on peut dire que l’armée afghane est bien équipée une question d’où vient le budget pour l'achat des équipements :?:
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 3912
Inscription : 31 mars 2012, 12:51

Re: Armée Afghane

Message par PSG78 »

Tonton Sam

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