Armée Brésilienne

Australie, Brésil, Venezuela, Cuba, Colombie, Argentine, Mexique ....

Naqib (نقيب)
Naqib (نقيب)
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Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par AdDz »

1er bataillon d'action commandos + forces spéciales (marine et armée de l'air)

"Conscient que la violence, peut être la dernière chance d’obtenir la paix."

Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par guidher »

Military Capabilities
Brazil receives communications satellite

Brazil on 1 December formally received its SGDC (Satélite Geoestacionário de Defesa e Comunicações Estratégicas) communications satellite in Cannes, France.

The satellite is planned to be launched from Kourou in French Guyana in February or March 2017, and is expected to be operational by July 2017, Brazilian state-controlled Telebras (Telecomunicações do Brasil) told IHS Jane's. Telebras is evaluating potentially buying additional satellites, it said.
Manufacturing of the satellite began in January 2014, after a contract was awarded to Thales Alenia Space (TAS) on 12 December 2013 by prime contractor Visiona Tecnologia Espacial (a joint venture of Embraer Defesa & Segurança and Telebras). Arianespace was also awarded a contract on 12 December 2013 by Telebras for the system's launching by an Ariane 5 rocket (initially planned for the third quarter of 2016).
The ministries of defence and science, technology, innovation, and communication established the SGDC project in 2011 to address national demand for strategic military and civil communications. It will provide military X-band communications and civil Ka-band communications to Brazilian Armed Forces and Telebras, respectively. A BRL1.3 billion (USD380 million) contract was awarded by Telebras to Visiona Tecnologia Espacial on 28 November 2013. ... -satellite

AAF 2020
Amid (عميد)
Amid (عميد)
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Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par AAF 2020 »

Le Brésil renonce à son porte-avions « São Paulo », l’ex-Foch

Il y a encore quelques mois, l’amiral Eduardo Leal Ferreira, le chef de la marine brésilienne (Marinha do Brasil) assurait qu’il n’était pas question de renoncer au porte-avions São Paulo. Il était alors prévu de maintenir ce navire en service jusqu’en 2039. Mais c’était faire preuve d’optimisme… Car, le 14 février, il a finalement été décidé de mettre un terme à sa riche carrière opérationnelle, entamée en 1963 au sein de la Marine nationale.

Avec le retrait programmé de son porte-avions léger Minas Gerais, un navire d’origine britannique datant de la Seconde Guerre Mondiale, la Marinha do Brasil chercha une solution peu coûteuse pour conserver ses capacités aéronavales.

À la fin des années 1990, Brasilia s’intéressa tout naturellement au porte-avions français Foch, alors sur le point d’être désarmé. La vente fut conclue pour seulement 12 millions d’euros. Une bonne affaire? En tout cas, côté français (mais on ne le savait pas encore), céder ce navire allait éviter une mésenvature du même ordre que celle connue lors de la « déconstruction » du Clemenceau, le « sister-ship » du Foch. Pour la partie brésilienne, c’était à voir…

Jusqu’en 2005, le « São Paulo » assura les missions qui lui étaient confiée sans le moindre problème. Puis, survint un incident à bord qui marqua le début des ennuis : la rupture d’une canalisation de vapeur causa la mort de trois marins brésiliens. Le porte-avions dut alors subir une série travaux jusqu’en 2010. Évidemment, étant donné son ancienneté, il fut victime de nombreuses avaries au niveau de son système de propulsion, affichant alors près de 50 ans d’âge.

Mais pour être complètement opérationnel, la Marinha do Brasil envisagea alors une refonte complète du navire, afin de le doter de catapultes et d’un système propulsion neufs ainsi que d’un système de combat modernisé. Le constructeur français DCNS était alors sur les rangs pour remporter ce marché estimé à au moins 250 millions d’euros.

Compte tenu des moyens financiers nécessaires pour une telle opération, la durée d’immobilisation du navire et les incertitudes techniques, Brasilia a donc estimé préférable d’arrêter les frais, d’autant plus que la Marinha do Brasil a d’autres besoins plus urgents, dont le renouvellement de ses corvettes ainsi que son programme de sous-marins, qui a pris du retard.

En 2011, le ministre de la Défense alors en exercice, Celsio Amorim, avait confié que son pays envisageait la construction d’un nouveau porte-avions. Mais là encore, cette perspective semble s’éloigner aussi vite qu’est apparu le « miracle économique » brésilien, pourtant vanté par de nombreux analystes il y a peu.

Pour autant, la Marinha do Brasil n’entend pas renoncer totalement à ses capacités aéronavales, uniques en Amérique du Sud. Ses pilotes d’A-4 Skyhawk continueront de s’entraîner… à terre et elle compte sur la coopération de marines « amies ». ... -lex-foch/
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Liwaa (لواء)
Liwaa (لواء)
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Inscription : 26 mars 2012, 19:45

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par geronimo »

Britain to Transfer its Last Helicopter Carrier to Brazil
Brazil has purchased Royal Navy ship HMS Ocean, the helicopter carrier about to be retired from the Royal Navy service later this year. The UK Ministry of Defense (MOD) is selling the Ocean for £84 million. The vessel will remain in the UK until the autumn of 2018, UK Defence Journal reports.

HMS Ocean is the UK’s only helicopter carrier and the fleet flagship of the Royal Navy. She will retire after completing its planned operational lifespan of 20 years at sea, having completed a world tour this year. HMS Ocean is designed to support amphibious landing operations and to support the staff of Commander UK Amphibious Force and Commander UK Landing Force.

The Ocean was constructed in the mid-1990s and commissioned in September 1998. In November 2015, the MoD confirmed that HMS Ocean is to be decommissioned in 2018, as the new aircraft carriers of the QE II class become operational.
:algerie01: :algerie01: :algerie01:

Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par guidher »

Brazil to acquire additional SAR-configured C295
Brazil has exercised an option for an additional Airbus Defence and Space (DS) C295 search and rescue (SAR)-configured aircraft, to add to two that were ordered in 2014.

The additional SAR-configured aircraft, which was announced on 22 January, will bring the total number of SAR and transport-configured C295s fielded by the Brazilian Air Force (Força Aérea Brasileira: FAB) to 15 by the time the deliveries are complete in 2020.

The FAB currently operates 10 transport-variant C295s (designated C-105 Amazonas in national service) that it began receiving in 2006, and three SAR-variant C295s (SC-105 Amazonas) that arrived from 2009 (including the first of the additional batch of three that was received in August 2017). The second of the additional batch will be delivered in 2019, with the third now announced arriving in 2020 to complete the process.

The SC-105 features an electro-optic/infrared (EO/IR) sensor and internal mission equipment for day and night operations over land and sea. Specifically, an Elta EL/M-2022A(V)3 surface-search radar mounted in the aircraft's nose enables the crew to search out to 360 km, while satellite communications allow greater co-ordination with other airborne and surface platforms and/or facilities. Also, the platform is able to drop emergency equipment, such as life-rafts or supplies, and can be re-rolled for medical evacuation, or cargo/personnel transportation and other military missions ... gured-c295

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par malikos »

Brasilien Gripen exhibition

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par Dragunov »

Saab partners Damen on Brazilian corvette bid

Saab and Damen Schelde Naval Shipbuilding have come together to compete for the project that will supply four Tamandaré Class Corvettes (CCT) for the Brazilian Navy.

Saab will provide, in case the partners’ proposal is chosen by the Brazilian Navy, the complete combat system including the world leading Saab 9LV Combat Management System (CMS). The Saab 9LV is the most modern and proven open architecture CMS on the market today, known for its flexibility and easy integration of third-party modules as well as high performance mission equipment. The 9LV is based on experience from more than 300 successfully delivered systems, used by navies from several countries.

Damen will be responsible for supplying the ship Sigma 10514, an off-the-shelf product that will be adapted according to the requirements of the client.

This project is proposing a large technology transfer programme, in addition to partnerships with local companies, benefiting the Brazilian defence industry. The companies are ready to prove to the Brazilian Navy that they are reliable as long-term partners, because this is part of the business culture of these companies.

“Saab is looking forward to the cooperation with Damen and the local partners for the CCT programme. We believe our proposal meets the requirements of the Brazilian Navy and offers the added value of industrial cooperation and transfer of technology that are intrinsic to Saab’s way of doing business, says Marianna Silva, Head of Saab do Brasil.

“We at Damen appreciate the increasingly important task of the Brazilian Navy to safeguard the maritime domain against its existent and future threats and challenges. We are looking forward to participate in a constructive way in this process”, says Mr. Richard Keulen, Director Naval Sales of Damen. “We also are confident that our product will integrate perfectly with those of Saab”.

Saab, Damen, and partners will be at RIDEX (Rio International Defence Exhibition), in Rio de Janeiro, from June 27 to 29, at Pier Mauá, in a shared stand located on D24 area. ... ssion=true
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par sadral »

La plaquette commerciale (PDF de 40 pages) du KC-390 ...j’espère que ce sera un vrai succès commercial et que l'AAF s'y intéresse pour le remplacement de nos vieux et glorieux C-130 ... 390_EN.pdf
« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par malikos »

Brazilian Navy launches 1st diesel-electric attack submarine
The Brazilian Navy has launched its first Scorpene-class diesel-electric attack submarine, the Riachuelo (S 40).

The launching ceremony took place today at Naval Complex in Itaguai, Rio de Janeiro.

In 2009, Naval Group was entrusted by the Brazilian Navy with designing and transferring the technology for four conventional Scorpène submarines with electrical propulsion, and for the design and manufacturing assistance for the non-nuclear part of Brazil’s first nuclear-powered submarine. The contract also included the support for the construction of a naval base and a shipyard in Brazil.

The Prosub program is a key extension of the strategic defence cooperation agreement signed in December 2008 in Rio de Janeiro.

The launching of the Riachuelo demonstrates the success of this program, with both the successful completion of the first submarine and of the shipyard’s infrastructure. The latter is being built by a Brazilian company, Construtora Norberto Odebrecht (CNO), based on Naval Group specifications and on the French group’s experience in the design, production engineering and in-service support of submarines.

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Marinha do Brasil

E ele já está em contato com o mar! #Submarino #Riachuelo #MomentoHistórico #S40 #Tecnologia #PROSUB #MarinhadoBrasil #AmazôniaAzul

2:44 PM - Dec 14, 2018
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With a length of 72 meters and a weight of 1,870 tons, the new submarine can transport 35 sailors. In addition, its operational availability at sea is 240 days per year.

The name of the new submarine is a reference to the Battle of the Riachuelo the Brazilian Navy fought and won against the Paraguayan Navy in 1865.

The Riachuelo will start sea trials in 2019 and is scheduled for delivery in 2020. Delivery of submarines 2, 3 and 4 will then follow every 12 to 18 months, according to the Naval Group. ... submarine/
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Aqid (عقيد)
Aqid (عقيد)
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Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par sadral »

Le Brésil opte pour l'offre de TKMS basé sur la plateforme de la classe "MEKO A100"
Projet 'Tamandaré Class': la marine brésilienne sélectionne la meilleure offre
La Marine brésilienne (MB), dans la continuité du PROGRAMME STRATÉGIQUE
"CONSTRUCTION DU CORAL DE LA PUISSANCE NAVALE", informe que la proposition finale du CONSORTIUM "ÁGUAS AZUIS", datée du 8 mars 2019, a été sélectionnée comme meilleure offre pour le Projet d'obtention, par construction, des corvettes de la classe "TAMANDARÉ".
03.jpg ... or-oferta/
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« Une page est tournée ; l'Algérie est d'abord fille de son histoire, qu'elle ait surmonté l'épreuve coloniale et même défié l'éclipse, atteste, s'il en était besoin, de cette volonté inextinguible de vivre sans laquelle les peuples sont menacés parfois de disparition.
L'ornière qui nous a contraints à croupir dans l'existence végétative des asphyxies mortelles nous imposa de nous replier sur nous-mêmes dans l'attente et la préparation d'un réveil et d'un sursaut qui ne pouvaient se faire, hélas ! que dans la souffrance et dans le sang. La France, elle-même, a connu de ces disgrâces et de ces résurrections. » Le président Houari Boumediene.

Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Mulazim Awal (ملازم أول)
Messages : 1488
Inscription : 01 avril 2012, 13:54

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par malikos »

Thyssenkrupp, Embraer to build four ships for Brazil's navy

FILE PHOTO: Thyssenkrupp's logo is seen close to the elevator test tower in Rottweil, Germany, September 25, 2017. REUTERS/Michaela RehlE/File Photo
DUESSELDORF, Germany (Reuters) - Brazil’s navy has selected German industrial conglomerate Thyssenkrupp and domestic aircraft maker Embraer to build four corvettes, Thyssenkrupp said on Friday.

“We are very honored by the Brazilian Navy to entrust us with the mission to build the Tamandaré Corvettes Class,” Thyssenkrupp Marine Systems Chief Executive Rolf Wirtz said in a statement.

Thyssenkrupp did not disclose the value of the contract ... SKCN1RA0TY
Brazilian defence minister briefed on Denel Dynamics missile range
Written by defenceWeb - 6th Jun 2019418

The Brazilian delegation visiting Denel Dynamics.
Brazil’s Minister of Defence Fernando Azevedo was briefed by Denel Dynamics on its missile range, including the A-Darter, Umkhonto and Marlin, during his recent visit to the country, and discussed future work share between Brazil and Denel

Azevedo was invited to attend the South African Presidential Inauguration late last month and whilst here, visited the Denel Group on the morning of 27 May. He was hosted by Denel Group CEO, Danie du Toit, who said he would like to continue the relationship between Brazil and South Africa.

Japie Mare, the A-Darter Programme Manager, gave a presentation on the history and the current status of the A-Darter missile showing the success of the programme and the future work share between Denel and the Brazilian industry.

Development of the A-Darter began under Project Assegai in 1995 but funding cuts put development on hold until Brazil joined the programme in 2006. Test firings began in 2010 and product baseline was established in 2018, paving the way for industrialisation and manufacturing. The South African Air Force placed a production contract with Denel for the missile in March 2015, with the first four trainer missiles scheduled for delivery in the 2018/19 financial year and the final batch of operational missiles scheduled for delivery in the 2021 calendar year.

Due to funding constraints the weapon will only be carried by the South African Air Force’s Gripen C/D jets. In Brazil, the A-Darter will equip the Air Force’s 36 new Gripen E/F fighters.

Jaco Botha, Air Defence Manager at Denel Dynamics, spoke about the Marlin beyond visual range (BVR) missile and discussed the current opportunity for collaboration on BVR missiles between South Africa and Brazil.

The Umkhonto surface-to-air missile system was presented to the delegation by Erick Huysamer, Business Development Manager for the weapon. The performance of the infrared-homing Umkhonto-IR missile was illustrated by means of videos captured at flight trials in South Africa and abroad. This was followed by the status of the extended range Umkhonto-EIR and radar-guided Umkhonto-R and confirming that Denel is now contracted for the development and production of the Umkhonto-R missile. Denel confirmed that the design of the Umkhonto missile range is suitable for deployment in a naval as well as a ground based air defence system.

There has been talk of developing the Umkhonto into an air-to-air missile, with interest from the Brazilian Air Force for its Gripens to give them a beyond visual range capability.

The minister was taken on a facility tour through Denel Dynamics where he had the opportunity to see the air-to-air product portfolio and the rest of the product offering of the company.

“There is a real desire to continue with the relationship that has been established over many years and to explore future opportunities. There is a requirement from both countries to build capabilities and share work between the two industries,” Denel said of the Minister’s visit.

On the manufacturing side of the A-Darter and development of Umkhonto and Marlin missiles, Botha said there is an opportunity for industry to participate and to grow the skills base to support the product. This will be dependent on funding from both the Brazilian Ministry of Defence and the South African Department of Defence. “The respective teams look forward to extending the relationship into the future,” Denel said.

Azevedo told the Denel delegation that there is a new political environment in Brazil following the election of a new president who has a military background and good understanding of the armed forces. He added that Brazil is a vast country with an airspace that needs to be controlled 24 hours a day and that he is looking at means of improving the capabilities of the armed forces, which is what brought him to Denel. He said there is a basis for further work share opportunities with Denel in the future and that Brazil is interested in surface-to-air technology ... ile-range/

P.S. Algeria, should follow that path and select those options for upgrading current or future MEKO
Dernière modification par malikos le 09 juin 2019, 06:57, modifié 1 fois.

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par Dragunov »

Totaly agree with you
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Naqib (نقيب)
Naqib (نقيب)
Messages : 1535
Inscription : 21 novembre 2018, 21:04

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par bologhineziri1518 »

Le premier Gripen E brésilien termine son premier vol
L’appareil a opéré à partir de l’aérodrome de Saab à Linköping en Suède.

Cet avion a une toute nouvelle configuration du cockpit, avec un grand écran large (WAD), deux petits écrans tête basse (sHDD) et un nouvel écran tête haute (HUD). Une autre différence majeure est un système de contrôle de vol mis à jour avec les lois de contrôle mises à jour pour le Gripen E. Il comprend également des modifications à la fois matérielles et logicielles.

36 JAS Gripen E MS21 commandés, 26 monoplaces et 8 biplaces, qui seront livrés de 2019 à 2024. Les 15 premiers appareils seront produit en Suède, les autres avions seront produits au Brésil. Au total, il est prévu d’acquérir 108 Gripen E en trois lots allant de 2019 jusqu'à 2032. Les autres lots seront probablement entièrement assemblés au Brésil. (wikipedia)
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Naqib (نقيب)
Naqib (نقيب)
Messages : 1535
Inscription : 21 novembre 2018, 21:04

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par bologhineziri1518 »

Avec des livraisons prévues entre 2025 et 2028

Águas Azuis, une société créée par thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, Embraer Defence & Security et Atech, ont signé le contrat de construction, au Brésil, de quatre corvettes de classe Tamandaré.

Águas Azuis, a company created by thyssenkrupp Marine Systems, #Embraer Defense & Security and Atech, signed the contract for building four state-of-the-art Tamandaré Class Ships, with deliveries scheduled between 2025 and 2028. Embraer will integrate sensors and weaponry into the combat system, bringing also to the program its 50 years’ experience in systems technology solutions and in-service support.

Muqaddam (مقدم)
Muqaddam (مقدم)
Messages : 4268
Inscription : 19 septembre 2017, 18:55
Localisation : Alger

Re: Armée Brésilienne

Message par Dragunov »

F-39 Gripen-E
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